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Migration Guide from v2 to v3 for MPC CoreKit Web SDK


This migration guide provides steps for upgrading from version v2 to v3 of the Web3Auth MPC CoreKit Web SDK. The guide outlines significant changes and enhancements, including the support of ed25519.

Changes in Detail

ed25519 Support

We are happy to announce that with v3, Web3AuthMPCCoreKit will support the ed25519 curve. Starting from v3, developers can use the MPC TSS capabilities with the Blockchain ecosystem which uses the ed25519 curve.

// Important to use tss-frost-lib for ed25519 KeyType
import { tssLib } from "@toruslabs/tss-frost-lib";

const coreKitInstance = new Web3AuthMPCCoreKit({
storage: window.localStorage,
manualSync: true,

// Get ed25519 PublicKey
const pubKey = coreKitInstance.getPubKeyEd25519();

// Solana address
const address = base58.encode(Uint8Array.from(pubKey));

// Sign message
const msg = Buffer.from("Welcome to Web3Auth");
const sig = await this.coreKitInstance.sign(msg);

Breaking change in Web3AuthOptions

In v3, we try to improve the developer experience by removing chainConfig, setupProviderOnInit, storageKey, and asyncStorageKey parameters. Developers must now use the mandatory storage parameter for both async storage and local storage.

Along with that, tssLib is now a mandatory parameter to define the tss signing library to use. This helps us make the integration consistent across web and react native and make the library lighter

Before (v2):

const coreKitInstance = new Web3AuthMPCCoreKit({
web3AuthClientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
manualSync: true,

After (v3):

const coreKitInstance = new Web3AuthMPCCoreKit({
web3AuthClientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
manualSync: true, // This is the recommended approach
tssLib: tssLib,

getWebBrowserFactor method

In v3, the getWebBrowserFactor is removed. Developers can now use getDeviceFactor the common method for web and react-native, to retrieve user's device factor if available.

Before (v2):

In v2, we used getWebBrowserFactor to retrieve the factor from the Web Local/Session Storage.

import { getWebBrowserFactor } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";

const factorKey = await getWebBrowserFactor(coreKitInstance!);

After (v3):

In v3, you can now use the getDeviceFactor method to retrive user's device factor.

const factor = await coreKitInstance.getDeviceFactor();

storeWebBrowserFactor method

In v3, the storeWebBrowserFactor is removed. Developers can now use setDeviceFactor to store the user's device factor.

Before (v2):

In v2, we used storeWebBrowserFactor to store the device factor in the Web Local/Session Storage.

import bowser from "bowser";
import { storeWebBrowserFactor } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";

const browserInfo = bowser.parse(navigator.userAgent);
const browserName = `${}`;
const browserData = {
browserVersion: browserInfo.browser.version,

const deviceFactorKey = new BN(
await coreKitInstance.createFactor({
shareType: TssShareType.DEVICE,
additionalMetadata: browserData,

storeWebBrowserFactor(deviceFactorKey, coreKitInstance);

After (v3):

In v3, you can now use the setDeviceFactor method to store user's device factor.

import bowser from "bowser";

const browserInfo = bowser.parse(navigator.userAgent);
const browserName = `${}`;
const browserData = {
browserVersion: browserInfo.browser.version,

const deviceFactorKey = new BN(
await coreKitInstance.createFactor({
shareType: TssShareType.DEVICE,
additionalMetadata: browserData,

const factor = await coreKitInstance.setDeviceFactor(deviceFactorKey);

metadatakey property

In v3, the metadatakey is now removed. Developers can now use Web3AuthState.postBoxKey to access the postBoxKey for the account.

Before (v2):

In v2, we used Web3AuthMPCCoreKit.metadatakey to retrieve the user's postBoxKey.

const key = await coreKitInstance.metadatakey;

After (v3):

In v3, you can now use the Web3AuthState.postBoxKey property to retrive user's postBoxKey.

const key = await coreKitInstance.state.postBoxKey;

loginWithOauth method

In v3, the loginWithOauth is now renamed to loginWithOAuth.

Before (v2):

import { Web3AuthMPCCoreKit, SubVerifierDetailsParams } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";

const verifierConfig = {
subVerifierDetails: {
typeOfLogin: "google",
verifier: "w3a-google-demo",
} as SubVerifierDetailsParams;

await coreKitInstance.loginWithOauth(verifierConfig);

After (v3):

import { Web3AuthMPCCoreKit, SubVerifierDetailsParams } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";

const verifierConfig = {
subVerifierDetails: {
typeOfLogin: "google",
verifier: "w3a-google-demo",
} as SubVerifierDetailsParams;

await coreKitInstance.loginWithOAuth(verifierConfig);

loginWithJWT method

In v3, the IdTokenLoginParams accepted by loginWithJWT method is now renamed to JWTLoginParams.

Before (v2):

const idTokenLoginParams = {
verifier: "w3a-firebase-demo",
} as IdTokenLoginParams;

await coreKitInstance.loginWithJWT(idTokenLoginParams);

After (v3):

const jwtLoginParams = {
verifier: "w3a-firebase-demo",
} as JWTLoginParams;

await coreKitInstance.loginWithJWT(jwtLoginParams);


Starting v3, setupProvider method will accept EthereumSigner interface with sign, and getPublic methods. Additionally to make it easy for developers we have added makeEthereumSigner helper function.

Before (v2):

import { EthereumSigningProvider } from "@web3auth/ethereum-mpc-provider";

const evmProvider = new EthereumSigningProvider({ config: { chainConfig } });

After (v3):

import { makeEthereumSigner } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";
import { EthereumSigningProvider } from "@web3auth/ethereum-mpc-provider";

const evmProvider = new EthereumSigningProvider({ config: { chainConfig } });