Hi, we need a way to delete all the older device shares to prevent the bloating of number of shares. In our current implementation we are creating a share for every new browser the user logins in. Since we haven’t been deleting the older shares we have users with more than 6 shares. This has increased the sdk initialisation time significantly. I have tried the https://web3auth.io/docs/sdk/core-kit/tkey/usage#delete-a-share approach. This only takes 1 share at a time, and since most users have more than 5 existing shares we are facing a difficulty while deleting them.
However, on a previously asked question it mentioned that there is feature being built which helps delete all the older shares which are sorted by time. How exactly does this work? If not what is the best way to go about this?
The mechanism for auto-delete extends only across Plug and Play SDKs not Core-kit since for Core Kit the wallet management flows are not hosted on app.openlogin.com . This means that users will not be redirected to a different domain for authentication.
The documentation you shared is the correct approach and you would need to handle the share deletion.