Failed to verify JWS signature on Custom JWT with PnP SDK for React Native

I have issues on creating a new wallet through the custom jwt flow on PnP SDK for React Native. I created a verifier, insert the right data (double checked), the JWKS endpoint is right, working and returns this set of keys:


I’m creating the JWT on the backend signing it with this set of JWKS and using it to create the wallet. This is the decode token:

  "alg": "HS256",
  "typ": "JWT",
  "kid": "hDHSD99ZhWftZeKYEOk2e"
  "sub": "spazioscientifico",
  "iss": "...",
  "aud": "...",
  "iat": 1698493794,
  "exp": 1699098594

In the frontend this is how I initialize and use the SDK:

const web3authTest = new Web3Auth(WebBrowser, SecureStore, {
        clientId: WEB3_AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
        loginConfig: {
          jwt: {
            verifier: 'elysiumlab-testnet',
            typeOfLogin: LOGIN_PROVIDER.JWT,
            clientId: WEB3_AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
await web3auth?.login({
        loginProvider: LOGIN_PROVIDER.JWT,
        redirectUrl: resolvedRedirectUrl,
        extraLoginOptions: {
          id_token: account.access_token, // Get jwt
          verifierIdField: 'sub', // auth0 generally uses sub as unique identifier

I’m using this version of the SDK: "@web3auth/react-native-sdk": "^5.0.0",

When trying to connect the jwt with the SDK I alway get this error:

What am I missing here? Is there anything wrong in the JWT structure?

Thank you very much

@gianmarco.guazzo Welcome Aboard!

Please make sure you are following this guide:

The error indicates the inability to verify your JWT token. Please refer to the below troubleshooting guide:

Could you try generating a fresh token and check?

Hi there @vjgee, thank you for the reply! I already saw these two guides but still getting familiar with JWKS. I have two questions:

  • The algorithm of the jwt should be RS256 or HS256? Here’s a jwt if you want to see the field: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6ImhaSEdDODBaaFdmdFplR0dFT2syZSJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJnaWFubmlicm8iLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2Rldi1mdTVmNDVucHdjNXh0Z2FkLnVzLmF1dGgwLmNvbS8iLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL2VseXNpdW0tc2VydmVyLXN0YWdpbmcuaGVyb2t1YXBwLmNvbS8iLCJpYXQiOjE2OTg5MzYyNTIsImV4cCI6MTY5OTU0MTA1Mn0.3Q_l-ZPVzqnuj8VC_3oA2ItOHQ1vaz4YpU5DajtQ0I4

  • Since I’m using an Auth0 JWKS endpoint, should I use their initialization:

I’m trying to understand how this thing work but still having some issues. I think the problem it’s inside the login function on which I sign the jwt but let me know If you see any other issues here.

Thanks in advance


Yes, that is correct.

You can refer to this guide to clarify how to setup Auth0 with Web3Auth:

Thanks @vjgee solved with my own set of jwks! Thanks again

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