JWT Errors
To ensure proper authentication with Web3Auth, it is necessary for the JWT header to have the kid
field, while the payload data should have the iat
When configuring Web3Auth's Custom Authentication, you may encounter JWT errors. Below is a list of these errors and the necessary steps to resolve them.
- Invalid JWT Verifiers ID field
- Error occurred while verifying params could not verify identity
- Failed to verify JWS signature
- Error occurred while verifying params unable to verify jwt token
- Duplicate Token
- Could not get result from torus nodes Duplicate token found
- Expired Token
- Error occurred while verifying paramstimesigned is more than 1m0s ago
- Mismatch JWT Validation field
- Refresh Tokens?
Invalid JWT Verifiers ID
Error occurred while verifying params could not verify identity
"Error occurred while verifying params could not verify identity" error could be because the
of extraLoginOptions
is different from the one you have set up during the
creation of Verifiers (JWT Verifiers ID
) on the Web3Auth dashboard.
This is the
JWT Verifiers ID
field on theVerifier Modal
of the Web3Auth dashboard. -
Make sure, this matched with your code.
import { WALLET_ADAPTERS, CHAIN_NAMESPACES } from "@web3auth/base";
await web3auth.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.AUTH, {
loginProvider: "jwt",
extraLoginOptions: {
domain: "YOUR-AUTH0-DOMAIN",
verifierIdField: "sub", // <-- This is the JWT Verifiers ID field.
response_type: "token",
scope: "email profile openid",
Failed to verify JWS signature.
Error occurred while verifying params unable to verify jwt token
"Error occurred while verifying params unable to verify jwt token" error could be because of the following reasons:
- The verifier for your AuthAdapter might be wrong. Check to make sure the
field is set correctly. - The JWT is not signed with the correct key(JWK).
- The JWKS endpoint is not reachable or doesn't return a valid JWK that was used to sign the JWT.
- The JWKS endpoint is incorrect on the Web3Auth Dashboard. Double check to confirm the correct JWKS
- The JWKS is missing the
field. - The
present in the JWT header is not present in the JWKS.
sample jwks
"keys": [
"kty": "RSA",
"e": "AQAB",
"use": "sig",
"kid": "YOUR-KID", // <-- This is the kid.
"n": "YOUR-N",
"alg": "RS256" // <-- This is the algorithm.
sample jwks endpoint
: https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs
Duplicate token
Could not get result from torus nodes Duplicate token found
"Could not get result from torus nodes Duplicate token found" error is thrown when the JWT is sent twice in the same request.
await web3auth.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.AUTH, {
loginProvider: "jwt",
extraLoginOptions: {
id_token: "ID_TOKEN", // <-- JWT should be unique for each request.
verifierIdField: "sub",
Expired token
Error occurred while verifying paramstimesigned is more than 1m0s ago
Web3Auth accepts only those JWTs whose iat
is less than the current time and is not greater than
from current time. Regardless of the exp
field of the JWT.
- In short, the JWT is considered expired if the
is greater than60s
from current time.
"Error occurred while verifying paramstimesigned is more than 1m0s ago 2022-02-24 13:46:05 +0000 UTC" error could be because:
- JWT is expired.
- The JWT's
field is less than the current time. - The JWT's
field is greater than60s
from current time.
Mismatch JWT Validation field
This error occurred when the validation field in the JWT is not matching with the validation field entered during the creation of Verifiers on the Web3Auth dashboard.
- This is the
JWT Validation
field on theVerifier Modal
of the Web3Auth configuration. - Make sure, these fields are present in the JWT Payload and matches with the JWT.
Looking for Refresh Tokens?
A Refresh Token is a unique token that is used to obtain additional access tokens from an Authentication Service Provider. With Web3Auth, we verify the validity of the id_token and compare its payload value to the JWKS provided by either the Auth provider or your custom JWKS. And with Refresh Token, one can get a new id_token. And that id_token will be passed to Web3Auth, essentially making another login request.
What problem does the Refresh Token solve?
It enables users to maintain longer authentication sessions without the need for constant re-login. Although we do not support Refresh Tokens to maintain longer sessions, we do offer session management. The Session Management feature allows checking and maintaining existing sessions with Web3Auth.
During login with Web3Auth, pass the sessionTime
parameter. It will allow users to stay
authenticated with Web3Auth for up to 1 day by default or a maximum of 30 days until they log out
or their session data is cleared.