Invalid signed message generated by @tkey-mpc SDK package js

Hi! Referring to this guid, I have a production project with exactly same package versions and setup. I try to do a web3.eth.personal.sign but I am not able to recover the signedMessage as it produces different account address every time. Personal Recover | EthSigner and different Eth Signers used to recover wallet address but failed. any help would be appreciated!

could you provide the snippet for better debugging and understanding

also checkout
this is wrapper on top of tkey also minimal lines of code and better maintainability, also check if this can help you out

Hi I already mentioned the guide. This is the link to the source code tkey-examples/tkey-mpc-web/tkey-mpc-react-popup-example at main · tkey/tkey-examples · GitHub you can pull & run locally.
After creating the web3js object try to sign with eth personal sign:

       const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts();
      const account = accounts[0];
      const msg = "Welcome to Example Website.\nYou need to sign this message in order to use Example Website services. By signing this message, you agree with the Terms of Service.\n";
       const signedMessage = await web3.eth.personal.sign(

and then use signedMessage to recover account address with any ethereum signer like the one mentioned in the question (Personal Recover | EthSigner) and you get different account from the account address used to sign the message

i have created a pr
main changes

thanks for pointing out the issue

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