Is there a way to detailedly retrieve the MFA authentication status of a logged-in user on the frontend?

I have enabled MFA and set some factors to not mandatory. In this case, getUserInfo only returns isMfaEnabled as true or false. Can I find out information like factorA is enabled but factorB is not?

Also, if isMfaEnabled is false, are there any sample codes available for performing MFA proccess from the frontend?

const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
          loginSettings: {
            mfaLevel: "default",
          adapterSettings: {
            mfaSettings: {
              socialBackupFactor: {
                enable: true,
                priority: 1,
                mandatory: true,
              deviceShareFactor: {
                enable: true,
                priority: 2,
                mandatory: false,
              backUpShareFactor: {
                enable: true,
                priority: 3,
                mandatory: false,
              passwordFactor: {
                enable: true,
                priority: 4,
                mandatory: false,

@suhara Welcome Aboard!

Factor A will be mandatory only then will Factor B or other factors come into picture with MFA.

You have the option to choose from the device, social, backup factor (seed phrase), and password factors to guarantee access to your Web3 account. The Social/Email login is always the mandatory factor which the user needs to have to initially login to form Factor A then the rest of the factors will need to be completed.

The process needs to be done only from the user’s end.

Thank you vjgee for responding, but I think you didn’t get my question right.
I logged in with twitter and didn’t finish the mfa. I can operate getUserInfo and the result is below.

スクリーンショット 2023-11-30 16.58.34

but I want to know something like

  isMfaEnabled: {
   socialBackupFactor: true,
   deviceShareFactor: true,
   backUpShareFactor: false,
   passwordFactor: false

is this inpossible?

I want to know how to let users to operate the process, especially when I set the mfaLevel to “deafault” or “optional” and the user haven’t done the mfa settings yet.

in the latest version, we return isMfaEnabled as shown in the image.
we currently don’t support returning the auth factors that users setup due to security reasons.

If you wish to have more control over that, you can use our core-kit sdks

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