Mobile app deep link in redirectUrl

Please provide the following details too when asking for help in this category:

  • SDK Version: web3auth/modal 6.0.1
  • Platform:Nextjs (web)

Please provide the Web3Auth initialization and login code snippet below:

const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
      adapterSettings: {
        network: network,
        clientId: WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
        uxMode: 'popup',
        redirectUrl: "",

We are exploring our options for creating a mobile app from our web app that is using web3auth. When the app launches, it opens the Web3Auth sign-in modal as expected, however after a successful login, the user is redirected to a our website in their mobile web browser. This is because the redirectUrl is set to https://....

Android and iOS mobile apps support creating universal links or custom url schemes to open an app from a URL, for example myapp://.

Is it possible to use a custom url in the redirectUrl param for the adapterSettings?

@benjamin.groves Thanks for your question.

Your request has been forwarded to our team and we will get back with further updates.

Hey @benjamin.groves, we have our mobile app SDKs for mobile apps android/ios/react-native/flutter. It is not advisable to integrate the web SDKs to mobile apps. Please have a look at them in our documentation. I’ll leave a link here for your convenience(for plug-n-play variants).
Android SDK
React native SDK
Flutter SDK

Thank you for the reply @maharshi, we totally understand that we are trying to do something that was not considered by the current set of Web3Auth SDKs. However it is our reality.

Building hybrid mobile apps from a web codebase, using Capacitorjs for example, is quite a common approach these days. Its not the best or most performant option for building mobile apps, but its fast and requires less effort than building a whole new application using React Native/Flutter/Native.

I would consider taking a look at how many small teams are building web applications with Web3Auth and are considering a move to mobile, but do not have the resources or time to build a whole new application in a new language.

For example Capacitor allows building custom plugins to enabled javascript/webapps to interface with Native apis, maybe in addition to the mobile SDKs, the Web3Auth team can build a Capacitorjs plugin to facilitate small teams embarking on a similar web to mobile journey.

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