New device detected. Not able to login due to no recovery phrase given

As discussed by some of the users, we are also not able to login to Web3Auth Developers due to the 2FA.

We use Login with Email.

Here are some more details:
Our member A can login with an email on a particular browser as this browser as a device has been verified.

However, our member B can not login with the same email in different PC due to using a different browser, with a message “New device detected”, despite the fact that none of our team members had confirmed receiving the recovery phrase.

I’ve found this page from one of the similar topic threads but the link in the page returns 404.

This is seriously a dodgy situation here since if the browser of our member A crashes, none of us can login with the same EOA anymore.

2 questions now.

  1. How can we get the recover phrase ?
  2. How was Verification method Device(S) supposed to work? Login with the verified device helps other login attempt with the same email login in a different browser or it only is designed to work standalone only for a single browser?

hi @dev15,

I understand your problem and question.

  1. How can we get the recover phrase ?

As a non-custodial solution provider, we don’t retain copies of the device factor. As you may be aware, two factors are required to recover the account. If you have one factor but the device has been compromised and you can’t locate the recovery factor, account recovery becomes challenging.

The recovery phrase is only added to the list of factors if someone received the email and filled it out. It’s possible to receive it in another email, possibly in the spam folder.

The URL you mentioned is correct. It’s for our legacy networks and functions for the dashboard: However, currently, you can’t access your account without having at least 2 factors in place.

How was Verification method Device(S) supposed to work? Login with the verified device helps other login attempt with the same email login in a different browser or it only is designed to work standalone only for a single browser?

You can have one or more devices associated with your account but to add a second device, you must have 2 factors and log in to your account.

I hope this answer is helpful, I’m here to help you with anything.

Thanks for your reply @TomTom
I understood the limitation of non-custodial.

It just occurred to me we are one of the oldest customers and used to access to the former domain dashboard: with the same email and password, and I remember 2FA was introduced in the middle, relatively recently.

Is there any chance a recovery phrase email has not been sent to the old customers?
We’ve been receiving emails relating the dashboard such as deployment notification stuff from 2021 but the recovery phrase.

The URL you mentioned is correct. It’s for our legacy networks and functions for the dashboard: . However, currently, you can’t access your account without having at least 2 factors in place.

Device(S) factor does not work on while the specified device is the same as the factor for the current dashboard and it has worked…

I understood about the recovery phrase but not the device verifier yet. Let me rephrase it in more precise.
Assume person-A has a browser-A as a verified device.
When person-B tries to login with an unverified browser-B, there is an message:

Login to from any of the following devices to complete the security verification.

Then I expected person-A’s login to the browser-A would let the person-B login as the message say.

However, in fact, it does not.

  • Is that expected behaviour?

If so, the wording or UI may look slightly misleading. My team members thought person-A’s login to the verified browser-A would help person-B’s login on the browser-B.
If not I would like to learn how to make it work. (Knowing the recovery phrase for person-B must be an another solution as you answered though)


Hi @dev15,

Let me discuss this internally and see what options are available for you.

Could you please reply to my private message with your login email?

Thanks. I’ve replied in the DM.

Hi @dev15, is still in the development process, so that message isn’t accurate. Rest assured, our team is actively working to improve it.

Just to clarify how it works: You can have one or more devices associated with your account. However, to add a second device, you must have two factors enabled and log in to your account.

Does this answer address your concerns adequately? Let me know if you have any further questions or if there’s anything else I can assist you with.

Okay I understood.
Hope the message will be clearer soon.

Thanks for answering.

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