Plan B for whenever W3A or the project shuts down/migrates

Hi there,

I was wondering what plan B should be for users/the project whenever:

  • A) Web3Auth shuts down
  • B) The project (dApp) shuts down
  • C) The project wants to migrate away from Web3Auth

Web3Auth shuts down
I have read on this topic there’s a contingency plan for dApp developers to operate or allow migration in the case w3a does go down: If web3auth were to shut down, what would be the process for users to recover their private keys?

Can I retrieve/receive this contigency plan?

The project/dApp shuts down

If I understand it correctly by reading this topic: users can always go to to retrieve their private keys and access their wallet, is that correct? So in case W3A or the project shuts down, the user can always acces their wallet via that website?
I tried to access the linked “Tech Home” mentioned as “This uses our open source SDK to construct keys using your shares directly, without Web3Auth Network being involved.” but it shows an access denied message".
Does web3auth have a way to recover user accounts? - #2 by maseh

Also, in the topic is stated in a post from March '23 that Web3Auth will be developing a user facing platform, what is the status of this platform?

The project wants to migrate away from Web3Auth

In the event the project wants to migrate away from Web3Auth, what are the steps the project needs to take in order to realize the same so that user funds are securely transferred to the new wallet in a UX-friendly way? Is there any documentation on this matter?

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my questions!

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@dennis48ad Welcome Aboard!

Your request has been forwarded to our Dev team and we will get back with further updates.

Thanks! Looking forward to the update from your team.

@vjgee Hi Vijay,

I was wondering whether you’ve received any answer by now?

Our team are reviewing this and will get back when there is a meaningful update to share.

@vjgee Looking forward to it.

@vjgee Hi Vijay,

We’re like three weeks later and was wondering whether you have an answer by now, or at least to a part of the questions, so that the remainder will follow?

@dennis48ad Unfortunately, there is no additional information to provide apart from what you have included in your initial post. I have notified our Dev team but the request is taking more than expected. As soon as there is an update, I will let you know.

@vjgee Thanks for your message. My second question (“by reading this…is that correct”) is a check question, could you either please confirm the provided answer or let me know whether you’re unsure about the same and asking the team?

Yes, that is correct through our hosted for plug and play , users can retrieve their private keys and access their wallet. Once I get more details regarding the rest of information you’ve asked, I will be sure to let you know.

@vjgee Hi Vijay, I’m wondering whether the team has an answer since it’s been pending for a month now.

@vjgee Hi Vijay, looking forward to hearing from you.

Any update from anyone from Web3Auth? @vjgee

@web3auth-team @vjgee Hi all, I’m looking forward to the responses as the questions are pending for two months now.