Stuck on platform iOS Unity Editor with new version

I created new topic because my issues not resolve :frowning: and my last topic auto closed
@chai @vjgee @maharshi

@thienphuoc.huynh Your issue has been forwarded to our Dev team and we will get back with further updates.

The video you shared earlier was not visible. Are you able to share a public link via Google drive for the video to understand why it is not working for you despite our team releasing a fix:

Hi @vjgee ,
I share link again on Google drive

Hi @thienphuoc.huynh, please use new web3Auth unity sdk version 2.0.2

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thank bro very much, I will try it

Hi @gaurav ,

Still same error :frowning: with version 2.02 .
Can you check again ?

I am not able to reproduce the issue. Pls schedule call for tomorrow using Calendly - Gaurav Goel

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Now you can run your sample project(link below), import your lib into project.
Run on editor Unity will get this error. Can you record a video for this ?

Sample project here: GitHub - Web3Auth/web3auth-pnp-examples

Can you try running example within web3auth-unity-sdk (GitHub - Web3Auth/web3auth-unity-sdk: Web3Auth SDK for Unity3D game engine which supports Android, iOS, and Windows. web3auth-unity-sdk is a client-side library which allows you to authenticate users using Web3Auth on Unity3D game engine.)?

HI @gaurav ,

I tried example within web3auth-unity-sdk and failed.

Pls schedule call for tomorrow using Calendly - Gaurav Goel

ok, I will try for calendly and let you know @gaurav

Was this issue ever resolved? Can you share the solution? I am experiencing the same problem.

@neardev Are you using the latest release for Unity SDK Release 2.1.1 ยท Web3Auth/web3auth-unity-sdk ยท GitHub

Yes, I am using 2.1.1