Wallet service to handle transactions without revealing private key

hi. i have a backend wallet at server side using a private key as env. variable. i am seeking a solution not to keep private key since it is open to other developers too. i wonder if there is a wallet service to handle transaction without holding private key at server.

I’m really sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I understand how important this is, and I want to ensure you receive the most accurate and helpful information possible. I’m going to discuss this with our team to provide you with a precise answer.

Thank you for your patience


I hope you’re doing well and thank you for your patience while waiting for our response. I’d like to recommend that you take a look at our MPC Core Kit documentation for more detailed information and guidance: Web3Auth MPC Core Kit Web SDK | Documentation | Web3Auth.

With the Web3Auth infrastructure, your key is divided into multiple parts and stored across your devices and our Auth Network. This ensures that your key is always available and never stored in a single place. While in the traditional Web3Auth SDK, your key was dynamically reconstructed in the frontend using threshold signatures, with the new Web3Auth MPC (Multi Party Computation) architecture, it is never reconstructed . Instead, these partial keys are stored across different locations, and your device is used to make partial signatures for your message/ transaction.

If you have any questions after reviewing the docs or need further assistance with anything, please don’t hesitate to get back in touch. I’m here to help in any way I can.

Best regards.