[Wallet services] Invalid token displayed on 'View transaction' details click

Demo video: Watch Screen Recording 2024-02-27 at 14.47.53 | Streamable
Instead of opening the link https://testnet.bscscan.com/tx/0xc7327ed64b44cf24b12366e9f552e658ecff01b83ab5f23e7f1e1b8ebdae5633
The SDK navigates to ‘Home’ view and displays BNB balance in ETH
So it shows 0.09 ETH instead of 0.09 BNB
I assume it’s related to the fact that I initialize SDK with chain 0x1 as per your samples & docs

Could you please have a look @Ayush?

@danil.makarenko Your request is under review and we will get back.
