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Usage of PnP Android SDK

Web3Auth's Android SDK is a set of libraries and tools that allow you to easily integrate Web3 with Android applications.

Functionality Overview

loginLogs in the user with the selected login provider.
logoutLogs out the user from the currently active session.
getPrivKeyRetrieve the user's secp256K1 key. The key can be used to sign transactions for chains using the secp256k1 curve like EVM-compatible chains.
getEd25519PrivKeyRetrieve the user's ed25519 key. The key can be used to sign transactions for chains using the ed25519 curve like Solana, Near, Algorand, and others.
getUserInfoRetrieve the user information, such as login provider, name, email, oAuth token, etc.
enableMFAUse to trigger the setup MFA flow for the users.
manageMFAUse to trigger the manage MFA flow for the users.
launchWalletServicesUse to open the templated wallet UI in WebView.
requestUse to open templated transaction screens for signing EVM transactions.

Logging in a User

To login in a user, you can use the login method. It will trigger login flow will navigate the user to a browser model allowing the user to login into the service. You can pass in the supported providers to the login method for specific social logins such as GOOGLE, APPLE, FACEBOOK, etc., and do whitelabel login.


The login method takes in LoginParams as a required input.

loginProviderIt sets the OAuth login method to be used. You can use any of the supported values are GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, REDDIT, DISCORD, TWITCH, APPLE, LINE, GITHUB, KAKAO, LINKEDIN, TWITTER, WEIBO, WECHAT, EMAIL_PASSWORDLESS, JWT, SMS_PASSWORDLESS, and FARCASTER.
extraLoginOptions?It can be used to set the OAuth login options for corresponding loginProvider. For instance, you'll need to pass user's email address as. Default value for the field is null, and it accepts ExtraLoginOptions as a value.
redirectUrl?Url where user will be redirected after successfull login. By default user will be redirected to same page where login will be initiated. Default value for the field is null, and accepts Uri as a value.
appState?It can be used to keep track of the app state when user will be redirected to app after login. Default is null, and accepts String as a value.
mfaLevel?Customize the MFA screen shown to the user during OAuth authentication. Default value for field is MFALevel.DEFAULT, which shows MFA screen every 3rd login. It accepts MFALevel as a value.
dappShare?Custom verifier logins can get a dapp share returned to them post successful login. This is useful if the dapps want to use this share to allow users to login seamlessly. It accepts String as a value.
curve?It will be used to determine the public key encoded in the jwt token which returned in getUserInfo function after user login. This parameter won't change format of private key returned by We3Auth. Private key returned by getPrivKey is always secp256k1. To get the ed25519 key you can use getEd25519PrivKey method. The default value is Curve.SECP256K1.


import com.web3auth.core.Web3Auth
import com.web3auth.core.types.Web3AuthOptions

val web3Auth = Web3Auth(
context = this,
clientId = "YOUR_WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID", // Pass over your Web3Auth Client ID from Developer Dashboard
network = Network.MAINNET,
redirectUrl = Uri.parse("{YOUR_APP_PACKAGE_NAME}://auth"),

val loginCompletableFuture: CompletableFuture<Web3AuthResponse> = web3Auth.login(


import com.web3auth.core.Web3Auth
import com.web3auth.core.types.Web3AuthOptions

val web3Auth = Web3Auth(
context = this,
clientId = "YOUR_WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID", // Pass over your Web3Auth Client ID from Developer Dashboard
network = Network.MAINNET,
redirectUrl = Uri.parse("{YOUR_APP_PACKAGE_NAME}://auth"),

val loginCompletableFuture: CompletableFuture<Web3AuthResponse> = web3Auth.login(

Retrieve Private Key

Web3Auth supports two widely used cryptographic curves, Secp256k1 and Ed25519, making it chain-agnostic and compatible with multiple blockchain networks. Learn more about how to connect different blockchains.

Secp256k1 Private Key

To retrieve the secp256k1 private key of the user., use getPrivkey method. The method returns an EVM compatible private key which can be used to sign transactions on EVM compatible chains.

val privateKey = web3Auth.getPrivKey()

Ed25519 Private Key

To retrieve the secp256k1 private key of the user., use getEd25519PrivKey method. This private key can be used to sign transactions on Solana, Near, Algorand, and other chains that use the ed25519 curve.

val privateKey = web3Auth.getEd25519PrivKey()

Retrieve User Information

You can use the getUserInfo method to retrieve various details about the user, such as their login type, whether multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enabled, profile image, name, and other relevant information.


val userInfo = web3Auth.getUserInfo()

UserInfo Response

"userInfo": {
"email": "",
"name": "Web3Auth Heroes",
"profileImage": "",
"verifier": "torus",
"verifierId": "",
"typeOfLogin": "google",
"aggregateVerifier": "w3a-google-sapphire",
"dappShare": "", // 24 words of seed phrase will be sent only incase of custom verifiers
"idToken": "<jwtToken issued by Web3Auth>",
"oAuthIdToken": "<jwtToken issued by OAuth Provider>", // will be sent only incase of custom verifiers
"oAuthAccessToken": "<accessToken issued by OAuth Provider>", // will be sent only incase of custom verifiers
"isMfaEnabled": false // Returns whether the user has enabled MFA or not

Session Management

The Session Management feature allows you to check the existing sessions with Web3Auth. The SDK will allow users to remain authenticated with Web3Auth for 1 day by default, or a maximum of 30 days, or until the user logout or session data is cleared.

The Web3AuthOptions initialization accepts a sessionTime parameter.


import com.web3auth.core.Web3Auth
import com.web3auth.core.types.Web3AuthOptions

val web3Auth = Web3Auth(
context = this,
clientId = "YOUR_WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID", // Pass over your Web3Auth Client ID from Developer Dashboard
network = Network.MAINNET,
redirectUrl = Uri.parse("{YOUR_APP_PACKAGE_NAME}://auth"),
sessionTime = 172800 // 2 Days

Logging out a user

Logging out your user is as simple as calling the logout method. This method will clear the session data and the user will be logged out from Web3Auth.

val logoutCompletableFuture = web3Auth.logout()

Enable MFA for a user

The enableMFA method is used to trigger MFA setup flow for users. The method takes LoginParams which will used during custom verifiers. If you are using default login providers, you don't need to pass LoginParams. If you are using custom jwt verifiers, you need to pass the JWT token in loginParams as well.

import android.widget.Button
import com.web3auth.core.Web3Auth
import android.os.Bundle

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var web3Auth: Web3Auth

private fun enableMFA() {
val completableFuture = web3Auth.enableMFA()

completableFuture.whenComplete{_, error ->
if (error == null) {
Log.d("MainActivity_Web3Auth", "Launched successfully")
// Add your logic
} else {
// Add your logic on error
Log.d("MainActivity_Web3Auth", error.message ?: "Something went wrong")

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Setup UI and event handlers
val enableMFAButton = findViewById<Button>(
enableMFAButton.setOnClickListener { enableMFA() }

Manage MFA for a user

The manageMFA method is used to trigger manage MFA flow for users, allowing users to update their MFA settings. The method takes LoginParams which will used during custom verifiers. If you are using default login providers, you don't need to pass LoginParams. If you are using custom jwt verifiers, you need to pass the JWT token in loginParams as well.

val manageMFACF = web3Auth.manageMFA()

manageMFACF.whenComplete{_, error ->
if (error == null) {
// Handle success
} else {
// Handle error

Launch Wallet Services

The launchWalletServices method launches a WebView which allows you to use the templated wallet UI services. The method takesChainConfig as the required input. Wallet Services is currently only available for EVM chains.


Access to Wallet Services is gated. You can use this feature in sapphire_devnet for free. The minimum pricing plan to use this feature in a production environment is the Scale Plan.

Wallet Services


chainNamespaceCustom configuration for your preferred blockchain. As of now only EVM supported. Default value is ChainNamespace.EIP155.
decimals?Number of decimals for the currency ticker. Default value is 18, and accepts Int as value.
blockExplorerUrl?Blockchain's explorer URL. (eg:
chainIdThe chain id of the selected blockchain in hex String.
displayName?Display Name for the chain.
logo?Logo for the selected chainNamespace & chainId.
rpcTargetRPC Target URL for the selected chainNamespace & chainId.
ticker?Default currency ticker of the network (e.g: ETH)
tickerName?Name for currency ticker (e.g: Ethereum)


val chainConfig = ChainConfig(
chainId = "0x1",
rpcTarget = "",
ticker = "ETH",
chainNamespace = ChainNamespace.EIP155

val completableFuture = web3Auth.launchWalletServices(

Request signature

The request method facilitates the use of templated transaction screens for signing transactions. The method will return SignResponse. It can be used to sign transactions for any EVM chain and screens can be whitelabeled to your branding.

Please check the list of JSON RPC methods, noting that the request method currently supports only the signing methods.

Request Method


chainConifgDefines the chain to be used for signature request.
methodJSON RPC method name in String. Currently, the request method only supports the singing methods.
requestParamsParameters for the corresponding method. The parameters should be in the list and correct sequence. Take a look at RPC methods to know more.


val params = JsonArray().apply {
// Message to be signed
add("Hello, World!")
// User's EOA address

val chainConfig = ChainConfig(
chainId = "0x1",
rpcTarget = "",
ticker = "ETH",
chainNamespace = ChainNamespace.EIP155

val signMsgCompletableFuture = web3Auth.request(
chainConfig = chainConfig,
requestParams = params

signMsgCompletableFuture.whenComplete { signResult, error ->
if (error == null) {
Log.d("Sign Result", signResult.toString())

} else {
Log.d("Sign Error", error.message ?: "Something went wrong")


successDetermines whether the request was successful or not.
result?Holds the signature for the request when success is true.
error?Holds the error for the request when success is false.