Cannot Login, It asks for a 2-factor login that I don't recognize

|I try to log in as usual, I went to my bookmarked organization page as usual. but it asks for a 2 factor that I never set, and I can’t reset it. Pressing another verify does not result in a reset, but returns to the initial screen.

I tried with the link here and got the same result, nothing. My company account is having issues and I can’t log into the community from there, so I’m posting from a different account. The account in question is

Your issue has been forwarded to our dev team and we will get back with further updates.

Hi guys,

I am having the same issue with my dev account.

I have never received a passphrase and it never gives me the option to enter the password I set as a recovery.

@maas Please create a different thread for your issue and provide your dashboard email which you are having an issue with. Do not reply on existing threads.

Apologies guys, new thread created. Thanks

I checked and found that the account with google login type has enabled 2FA with 2 factors: social + device.
You need to use the same device to be able to login.
If you mistakenly clear storage (localStorage) then the device share will be gone and you may not be able to access the account.

Thanks for the answer, but I don’t remember setting the 2FA option. If we had, we would have made a note or record somewhere.
is there any way to reset 2FA with the linked device? We have no way of knowing which device it is linked to.

According to you, this picture shows the device information we are connected to, but we don’t know what this device is.
And since we’re in development, if is the same domain as the web3Auth login, it’s possible that the local storage could have been wiped at any time.
We’re hoping you can point us in the right direction or help us figure this out.

@hmlbcascais1983 I see you have created a a seperate post for your issue. Please follow that for updates and avoid commenting on multiple threads.

@hank The team pushed some fixes regarding this. Can you please check and let me know if you still face this issue? Thanks for your patience.

I’m still seeing the same thing. I’m going to have to dig into the dashboard to see if there are any additional issues.

We’re getting this error on a server deployed by a solution we paid for in production, and it’s pretty bad. I’m hoping for a quick response.

  1. I’m a coworker at the same company.
    I still can’t sign in(, please reset my device or provide another solution so I can sign in.

  2. Also, when I try to openLogin from my service, I get an error that certain accounts can access. “403 access_denied” as in the reply above.

This looks like a critical issue. Please provide a solution to both issues as soon as possible. We are close to opening the service.

@hank Check the client ID and verifier details in your code to be correct. Please share your Web3Auth initialization and login code.

const Web3AuthProvider = () => {
  const [web3Auth, setWeb3Auth] = useState<Web3AuthNoModal | null>(null)
  const [isWeb3AuthMount, setIsWeb3AuthMount] = useState(false)
  const [provider, setProvider] = useState<IProvider | null>(null)
  const [signer, setSigner] = useState<Signer | null>(null)

  const initializeWeb3Auth = async () => {
    try {
      const web3authInstance = new Web3AuthNoModal({
        clientId: Config.WEB3_AUTH_CLIENT_ID,
        chainConfig: Config.chainConfig,
        sessionTime: Config.SESSION_TIME,
        enableLogging: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_BRANCH !== 'beta'

      const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
        config: { chainConfig: Config.chainConfig }

      const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
        adapterSettings: {
          uxMode: 'redirect',
          whiteLabel: {
          loginConfig: {
            google: {
              verifier: 'google-dev',
              clientId: Config.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
              typeOfLogin: 'google'

      await web3authInstance.init()
    } catch (error) {

const connectSocialWallet = async (loginProvider: LOGIN_PROVIDER_TYPE) => {
    await web3Auth?.connectTo(WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN, {
      mfaLevel: 'none'

const logout = async () => {

    if (isConnectedOpenLogin) {
      await web3Auth?.logout()

    if (status === 'authenticated') {
      await signOut({ redirect: true, callbackUrl: InternalPath.HOME })

 useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

 return ... Component ...

That’s it. And the google client id definitely matches, and the clientId I registered with web3Auth doesn’t let me into the dashboard, so I can’t check it.
As you can see, this thread is about solving the issue of not being able to enter the dashboard.
Please make it a priority to allow accounts to enter the dashboard
I can’t troubleshoot issues that require me to look at the web3auth settings.

Please share your Dapp URL as well.
we cannot enter here

@hank Our team have put a fix for your Dashboard Login. Please access with your email and you should be able to login.

WIth regards to the Error: 403 access_denied for the Gmail ID, if this is happening your application, please provide the URL for your application so we can check.

Oh I can finally get in, thank you. However, it forces me to set up 2FA, but I can’t set it up any other way than on my device?

Select the checkbox and proceed, you will have the option to generate the backup phrase . Ensure you send it to your recovery email address and save it. Never delete the email containing the backup phrase.

@hank Are you able to login into the Dashboard?

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