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Auth Provider Setup

Setting up authentication providers within Web3Auth is a crucial step in configuring the authentication flow for your application. This process involves creating a verifier, a unique identifier that Web3Auth uses to interact with the OAuth provider and validate user authentication requests. Verifiers play a pivotal role in ensuring secure and seamless authentication by leveraging the Web3Auth Auth Network nodes and a dedicated blockchain.

Understanding Verifiers

A verifier is essentially a configuration that contains information about the OAuth provider you've chosen for your application. It acts as a bridge between Web3Auth and the OAuth provider, enabling the Auth Network nodes to query and validate JWT tokens effectively.


Head over to the Verifiers section to understand how to create a custom verifier for your application.

Setting Up Your Auth Provider

Integrating an OAuth provider with Web3Auth involves a few key steps, from selecting your provider to configuring the verifier and integrating it into your application. Here's a broad overview of the process:

  1. Select an OAuth Provider: Choose an OAuth provider supported by Web3Auth, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, or any other provider that fits your application's requirements.

  2. Create a Verifier: Using the Web3Auth Dashboard, create a new verifier for your selected OAuth provider. This involves specifying the provider details and any additional configuration required by the provider.

  3. Deploy to the Web3Auth Blockchain: Once your verifier is configured, it's deployed to the Web3Auth blockchain. This deployment process registers your verifier, making it accessible to the Auth Network nodes for JWT token verification. This process generally takes around 5-10 minutes to complete.

  4. Integrate with Your Application: Finally, integrate the verifier into your application's authentication flow. This typically involves utilizing Web3Auth SDKs and specifying the verifier details in your application's authentication setup.

Supported Auth Providers


Authentication Service Providers

Bring your own Custom Login Providers

Bring your own custom providers with Web3Auth, using one of the custom login schemes (either via JWT or ECDSA signatures). This way, your users can still use your existing login provider. The application should follow the JWT specification and use JWKS for signing the JWT, whose public keys are exposed by an endpoint.

There are some nuances with certain login providers, so don't hesitate to get in touch with us on Discord or simply post your query on the Community Support Forum and we will take care of things from there.