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Auth0 Service Provider with Web3Auth

Auth0 allows you to easily add authentication to your application. Web3Auth supports Auth0 as a service provider. You can create a verifier for Auth0 and integrate it into your application. This page will help you set up Auth0 as a service provider with Web3Auth.

Take a look at the supported social logins on Auth0

Create an Auth0 Application

If you haven't already, create an Auth0 application for your project. It is the mandatory step before we proceed further. After the basic setup, we'll learn how to create an Auth0 verifier for the Web3Auth project. You can follow the link below to set up Auth0 for your project. If we are missing any platform/framework, you can always check out Auth0 documentation.

Create an Auth0 Verifier

  • Go to the Web3Auth dashboard and select your project. Click on the Custom Authentication tab, then click on the Create Verifier button to create a new verifier.

    Custom Authentication Dashboard

  1. Create an Auth0 verifier by choosing Social Login Providers and selecting Auth0 from the Login Provider dropdown. Auth0 - Login Providers list on Web3Auth Dashboard

  2. Select the Authentication Type from the dropdown based on your application needs. Auth0 Authentication Type list on Web3Auth Dashboard

    Note: For Email Password and Email Passwordless authentication, the email_verified = true condition is added to the JWT verification. To avoid JWT params mismatch error, you can use any other Authentication Type.

  3. Enter the Auth0 Client ID and Auth0 Domain from your Auth0 application.

    Auth0 - Domain and Client ID from Auth0 Dashboard

  4. Fill the Auth0 Client ID and Auth0 Domain details and select Sub or Email as the JWT Verifier ID. Auth0 Client ID and Domain on Web3Auth Dashboard

  5. Click on the Create Verifier button to create your Auth0 verifier.

    It typically takes 5-10 minutes for the verifier to go live. Once deployed & live, you'll receive an email and the dashboard will display the 'Live' status for the verifier.

Explore Guides

Once you have set up an Auth0 application and the corresponding verifier in the Web3Auth dashboard, you can use the available guides to integrate it into your project. The ability to use a custom verifier is not restricted to specific SDKs and platforms. You can refer to our SDK references to understand how to utilize a custom verifier.