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Going Live with Web3Auth Plug and Play

Before going live with Web3Auth Plug and Play SDKs, please make sure you have completed the following steps:

1. Create a Web3Auth Production Client ID

Make sure your client id for Web3Auth is on the Sapphire Mainnet Network. The Sapphire Mainnet is our geo-distributed, horizontally scalable network. If you have certain specific requirements for the network configurations for scalability, please reach out to us at our Community Portal.


You need to create a Sapphire Devnet client id for the same name before creating a production client id. This is to ensure that your testing and production environments are separate and the wallets generated for the end users remain safe.


Make sure your Web3Auth Network in the SDK initialization is the same as your client id network, otherwise you find see errors while logging your users in.

2. Create a Web3Auth Production Verifier

While using the Custom Authentication Feature in the Plug and Play SDKs, you will need to create a verifier. Make sure the network of the verifier is the same as the network of the client id.


All new verifiers produce different wallets/ accounts for users, it is not possible to rename a verifier once you have created it. The person who has created the verifier can only edit it afterwards. This is a limitation even when you have a team setup. This is because a verifier is a smart contract and the address editing it cannot be changed. The only way to change this is to create a new verifier.

3. Update your Web3Auth SDKs to the latest version

We are constantly updating our SDKs to make sure they are secure and performant. Make sure you are using the latest version of the SDKs. Please do not actively use the pre release versions, rather wait for the latest stable release.

4. Use a production RPC Endpoint for your respective blockchains

For testing purposes, our examples and SDKs use public RPC endpoints. Make sure you are using a production RPC endpoint (by providers like Infura, Quicknode, Alchemy etc.) for your production environment before going live. This can be done by updating the rpcTarget value in the Web3Auth object in the SDK initialisation in Web SDKs and updating the provider URL in mobile SDKs.

5. Audit the UX for your Web3Auth Login flow

From the icon showing up in the Web3Auth Modal to the whitelabel setting for the intermediary pages that are shown to the user, make sure you have checked your branding and customisations. Checking all the possible flows is recommended.

6. Check your interoperability flow

If you're using WalletConnect or Web3Auth Wallet Services based interoperability flow, make sure you have tested the flow before going live.

7. Check in multiple browsers and devices

The Web3Auth SDKs are built to work in all major browsers and devices. Make sure you have tested your login flow in all major browsers and devices. If you're facing any issues with any particular browser or device, please make sure they're compatible with the Web3Auth SDKs.

8. Upgrade your Web3Auth Plan

Finally, make sure you're on the correct Web3Auth Plan according to the features you're looking to use in the production environment. Additionally make sure to add a credit card in the Web3Auth Dashboard so that your services are not stopped once the MAW cap has reached.

Before going live with Web3Auth Core Kit SDKs, please make sure you have completed the following steps:

1. Create a Web3Auth Production Client ID

Make sure your client id for Web3Auth is on the Sapphire Mainnet Network. The Sapphire Mainnet is our geo-distributed, horizontally scalable network. If you have certain specific requirements for the network configurations for scalability, please reach out to us at our Community Portal.


You need to create a Sapphire Devnet client id for the same name before creating a production client id. This is to ensure that your testing and production environments are separate and the wallets generated for the end users remain safe.


All networks produce different wallets/ accounts for users, it is not possible to switch networks once you have created a client id.

2. Create a Web3Auth Production Verifier

It is mandatory to create a verifier, while using Web3Auth Core Kit. Make sure the network of the verifier is the same as the network of the client id.


All new verifiers produce different wallets/ accounts for users, it is not possible to rename a verifier once you have created it.

3. Update your Web3Auth SDKs to the latest version

We are constantly updating our SDKs to make sure they are secure and performant. Make sure you are using the latest version of the SDKs. Please do not actively use the pre release versions, rather wait for the latest stable release.

4. Use a production RPC Endpoint for your respective blockchains

For testing purposes, our examples and SDKs use public RPC endpoints. Make sure you are using a production RPC endpoint (by providers like Infura, Quicknode, Alchemy etc.) for your production environment before going live. This can be done by updating the provider URL in SDKs added for blockchain calls.

5. Audit the UX for your Web3Auth Login flow

One of the major features of Web3Auth Core Kit is that you have full control of the UX end to end. Web3Auth itself is totally invisible. However, this can come up with risks of losing wallets if the flow is not audited properly. Make sure you have audited the UX for your login flow before going live. Test every possible user interaction with your app and the login flow and Web3Auth calls.


If you're using Manual Metadata Sync, make sure your data is properly being synced when the user setups up new shares and makes any changes in their existing shares.

6. Check your interoperability flow

If you've added Web3Auth PNP plugins into your Core Kit Flow for interoperability, make sure you have tested the flow before going live.

7. Check in multiple browsers and devices

The Web3Auth SDKs are built to work in all major browsers and devices. Make sure you have tested your login flow in all major browsers and devices. If you're facing any issues with any particular browser or device, please make sure they're compatible with the Web3Auth SDKs.

8. Upgrade your Web3Auth Plan

Finally, make sure you're on the correct Web3Auth Plan according to the features you're looking to use in the production environment. Additionally make sure to add a credit card in the Web3Auth Dashboard so that your services are not stopped once the MAW cap has reached.


While using Core Kit, we recommend you to either on the Scale or Enterprise Plan of Web3Auth so that we can help you audit and optimize your login flow for max performance and avoid the loss of any wallets.