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Web3Auth Core Kit Single Factor Auth React Native SDK

You can leverage the Web3Auth Single Factor Auth React Native SDK for your React Native applications to authenticate users via Web3Auth. This SDK is constructed using TypeScript and supports the One Key flow natively, commencing with a single share of the key. This allows users to authenticate without any redirection in a single key pair flow.

With the use of the Web3Auth SFA React Native SDK, you can authenticate users and regenerate their private keys swiftly and conveniently. For many common use cases, the Web3Auth Plug and Play React Native SDK allows you to redirect users to a Web3Auth-hosted screen (

However, if you prefer a higher degree of control over the UI and UX during the authentication process, you have the option to tailor the authentication flow to prevent any redirection. This is achievable with the latest Web3Auth SFA React Native SDK, enabling you to utilize the Web3Auth SFA React Native and circumvent redirection to openlogin hosted screens.

This SDK offers you the flexibility to provide seamless and secure authentication for your users while preserving your app's unique user experience and interface.

This Documentation is based on the 2.0.0 SDK Version.


  • React Native Release 0.71 and above (for Bare React Native Workflow)

  • Expo SDK 48 and above (for Expo Managed Workflow)

  • iOS Platform Target Version 14 and above

  • Android Target SDK Version 31 and above


The minimum pricing plan to use this SDK in a production environment is the Growth Plan since custom verifier setup is a needed feature for Core Kit SDKs. You can use this SDK with all features enabled in the development environment for free.
