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Wallet Services Plugin for SFA Web SDK


Wallet Services Plugin Enable allows your application to use templated wallet UI screens. Take control of and personalize the wallet interface, and optionally, activate an embedded wallet for your users.


Access to Wallet Services is gated and available on the Scale plan and above. You can use this feature in the development environment for free.

Wallet Services is currently available for all EVM chains.


npm install --save @web3auth/wallet-services-plugin


Import the WalletServicesPlugin class from @web3auth/wallet-services-plugin.

import { WalletServicesPlugin } from "@web3auth/wallet-services-plugin";

Assign the WalletServicesPlugin class to a variable

After creating your Web3Auth instance, you need to initialize the Wallet Services Plugin and add it to a class for further usage.

const walletServicesPlugin = new WalletServicesPlugin(options);

This constructor takes an object with wsEmbedOpts & walletInitOptions as input.


wsEmbedOpts?Configuration options for Wallet Services. It accepts Partial<CtorArgs> as a value.
walletInitOptions?Parameters to customize your Wallet Services UI within the application. It accepts Partial<WsEmbedParams> as a value.


wsEmbedOpts is an optional parameter that allows you to pass in the configuration options for Wallet Services. It takes the CtorArgs object as input which contains the following parameters:


modalZIndex?Z-index of the modal and iframe. Default value is 99999.
web3AuthClientIdWeb3Auth Client ID in string. You can obtain this from the Web3Auth dashboard.
web3AuthNetworkWeb3Auth network to use. Accepts OPENLOGIN_NETWORK_TYPE.


The walletInitOptions from Wallet Services is an optional parameter that allows you to customize your Wallet Services UI within the application. It takes the object WsEmbedParams as input which contains multiple parameters that allow you to customize the UI of the plugin.


chainConfig?Chain config of the Blockchain to connect with. It accepts EthereumProviderConfig.
whiteLabel?White Label parameters to whitelisting the Wallet Services UI. It accepts WhiteLabelParams.


The whiteLabel object provides additional options for customizing the appearance and behavior of Wallet Services UI.

showWidgetButton?Show or hide the wallet widget button. Default is true.
buttonPosition?Position of the widget button on the screen. Default is bottom-left.
hideNftDisplay?Hide or show NFT display in the wallet. Default is false.
hideTokenDisplay?Hide or show token display in the wallet. Default is false.
hideTransfers?Hide or show the transfer option in the wallet. Default is false.
hideTopup?Hide or show the top-up option in the wallet. Default is false.
hideReceive?Hide or show the receive option in the wallet. Default is false.
defaultPortfolio?Set the default portfolio type. Either token or nft. Default is token.

For more information on customizing the whitelabel options using the WhiteLabelData object, refer to the whitelabel documentation.

Add the walletServicesPlugin class to your Web3Auth instance

After initializing the walletServicesPlugin, use the addPlugin() function to your Web3Auth instance, you can use the Wallet Services Plugin for your dApp.



In this example, we're adding the WalletServicesPlugin with a very basic configuration.

import { WalletServicesPlugin } from "@web3auth/wallet-services-plugin";

const walletServicesPlugin = new WalletServicesPlugin({
walletInitOptions: {
confirmationStrategy: "modal", // pass this to use the UI modal confirmation while signing

// Show the wallet services plugin UI
await walletServicesPlugin.showWalletUi();

// Show the wallet connect scanner
await walletServicesPlugin.showWalletConnectScanner();

// Show the checkout for top-up or transaction
await walletServicesPlugin.showCheckout();

// Sign a message using the `personal_sign` method with a UI confirmation screen
const signMessageUi = async () => {
if (!web3auth.provider) {
console.log("provider not initialized yet");
const message = "Example `personal_sign` message";
const accounts = await web3auth.provider.request<never, string[]>({ method: "eth_accounts" });
const from = accounts[0];
const signedMessage = await walletServicesPlugin?.proxyProvider?.request<
[string, string],
method: "personal_sign",
params: [message, from],

await signMessageUi();