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Usage - Wallet Services Plugin

Fiat on Ramp

Displays the TopUp modal, allowing users to select their local currency and specify the token to top up their wallet


receiveWalletAddress?Specifies the recipient's address. By default, it is set to the currently connected address.
tokenList?Specifies the tokens to display in the list. By default, all tokens are shown. Use the ticker name to specify which tokens to display, such as [USDC, USDT, ETH]. Please checkout the coverage details for full list of supported networks and tokens.
fiatList?Specifies the available fiat currencies enabled for purchase. Use the currency acronym to define which fiat currencies to display, such as [USD, SGD, INR, JPY]. Please checkout the coverage details for full list of supported currencies.
showDetermines whether the checkout UI is displayed. This can be used to programmatically control its visibility.


import { WalletServicesPlugin } from "@web3auth/wallet-services-plugin";

const walletServicesPlugin = new WalletServicesPlugin();
web3auth.addPlugin(walletServicesPlugin); // Add the plugin to web3auth

await walletServicesPlugin.showCheckout(); // Opens the TopUp modal

Connect dApps with Wallet Connect

Shows the Wallet Connect Scanner to connect with dApps having Wallet Connect login option. This is useful for interoperability with dApps having Wallet Connect login option.


showDetermines whether the Wallet Connect UI is displayed. This can be used to programmatically control its visibility.


Shows the Wallet Connect Scanner to connect with dApps having Wallet Connect login option. This is useful for interoperability with dApps having Wallet Connect login option.

import { WalletServicesPlugin } from "@web3auth/wallet-services-plugin";

const walletServicesPlugin = new WalletServicesPlugin();
web3auth.addPlugin(walletServicesPlugin); // Add the plugin to web3auth

await walletServicesPlugin.showWalletConnectScanner();

Show Wallet Embedded UI

Shows the modal, and allows you to use the templated wallet UI services.


showDetermines whether the wallet UI is displayed. This can be used to programmatically control its visibility.
path?Specifies the path for the wallet services.


import { WalletServicesPlugin } from "@web3auth/wallet-services-plugin";

const walletServicesPlugin = new WalletServicesPlugin();
web3auth.addPlugin(walletServicesPlugin); // Add the plugin to web3auth

await walletServicesPlugin.showWalletUi(); // Opens the TopUp modal

Private Key export

Go to Privacy & Security under Settings in the Wallet UI to export your private key. Available from version 8.7.0.

Private Key export screen

Toggle testnet visibility

You can toggle the testnet visibility in the Wallet Services UI by going to Settings, then General. Available from version 8.7.0.

Testnet visibility toggle


If you don't pass the name and chainId for a specific chain as listed in the dropdown below, the chain will appear twice in the wallet services UI dropdown: once by default and once with the name you provided.

Chain Config dropdown

Transaction Confirmation Screens

You can use the wallet services proxy provider to integrate prebuilt transaction confirmation screens into your application. Upon successful completion, you can retrieve the signature for the request.

Please check the list of JSON RPC methods, noting that the request method currently supports only the signing methods. UI Confirmation screen


import { WalletServicesPlugin } from "@web3auth/wallet-services-plugin";

const walletServicesPlugin = new WalletServicesPlugin();
// Use the existing Web3Auth instance

const message = "Example `personal_sign` message";
const accounts = await web3auth.provider.request<never, string[]>({ method: "eth_accounts" });
const from = accounts[0];
const signedMessage = await walletServicesPlugin?.proxyProvider?.request<[string, string], string>({
method: "personal_sign",
params: [message, from],