Installing PnP Flutter SDK
- Android API version 26 or newer.
- iOS 14, Xcode 12+ and Swift 5.x
To install the Web3Auth Flutter package, you have two options. You can either manually add the
package in the pubspec.yaml
file, or you can use the flutter pub add
Add web3auth_flutter
as a dependency to your pubspec.yaml
web3auth_flutter: ^6.1.2
Add web3auth_flutter
using flutter pub add
flutter pub add web3auth_flutter
Android Configuration
Once we have installed Web3Auth Flutter SDK, we also need to add the configuration for Android.
Update compileSdkVersion
For Android build compileSdkVersion
needs to be 34
. Check your app module gradle file in your
project to change it.
android {
namespace "com.example.app_name"
compileSdkVersion 34
// ..
Add Web3Auth to Gradle
In your project-level gradle file add JitPack repository.
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url "" } // <-- Add this line
Update Permissions
Open your app's AndroidManifest.xml
file and add the following permission. Please make sure the
element should be a direct child of the <manifest>
root element.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Configure Redirection
Once the gradles and permission has been updated, you need to configure Web3Auth project by whitelisting your scheme and package name.
Configure Web3Auth project
- Go to Web3Auth Developer Dashboard, and create or open an existing Web3Auth project.
- Whitelist
in the developer dashboard. This step is mandatory for the redirect to work.
Configure Deep Link
Open your app's AndroidManifest.xml
file and add the following deep link intent filter to your
Main activity
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="{scheme}" android:host="{YOUR_APP_PACKAGE_NAME}"/>
<!-- Accept URIs: w3a://com.example.w3aflutter -->
iOS Configuration
Once we have configured the Android SDK, we also need add the configuration for iOS.
Update global iOS platform
For iOS build global platform needs to be 14.0. Check Podfile
in your project to change the global
platform :ios, '14.0'
Configure Redirection
To use Web3Auth for iOS you need to Whitelist your bundleId
in your Web3Auth project.
- Go to Web3Auth Developer Dashboard, and create or open an existing Web3Auth project.
- Whitelist
in the developer dashboard. This step is mandatory for the redirect to work.