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Multi Factor Authentication in PnP Flutter SDK

At Web3Auth, we prioritize your security by offering Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA is an extra layer of protection that verifies your identity when accessing your account. To ensure ownership, you must provide two or more different backup factors. You have the option to choose from the device, social, backup factor (seed phrase), and password factors to guarantee access to your Web3 account. Once you create a recovery factor, MFA is enabled, and your keys are divided into three shares for off-chain multi-sig, making the key self-custodial. With backup factors, you can easily recover your account if you lose access to your original device or helps login into a new device.

Minimum Growth plan required

This is a paid feature and the minimum pricing plan to use this SDK in a production environment is the Growth Plan. You can use this feature in the development environment for free.

Using the mfaLevel to enable MFA

For a dApp, we provide various options to set up Multi-Factor Authentication. You can customize the MFA screen by setting the mfaLevel argument. You can enable or disable a backup factor and change their order. Currently, there are four values for mfaLevel:

  • default: presents the MFA screen every third login
  • optional: presents the MFA screen on every login, but you can skip it
  • mandatory: make it mandatory to set up MFA after login
  • none: skips the MFA setup screen

If you are using default verifiers, your users may have set up MFA on other dApps that also use default Web3Auth verifiers. In this case, the MFA screen will continue to appear if the user has enabled MFA on other dApps. This is because MFA cannot be turned off once it is enabled.

mfaLevel: MFALevel.MANDATORY,
Future<void> initWeb3Auth() async {
HashMap themeMap = HashMap<String, String>();
themeMap['primary'] = "#229954";

Uri redirectUrl;
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
redirectUrl = Uri.parse('{SCHEME}://{HOST}/auth');
// w3a://com.example.w3aflutter/auth
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
redirectUrl = Uri.parse('{bundleId}://auth');
// com.example.w3aflutter://openlogin
} else {
throw UnKnownException('Unknown platform');

await Web3AuthFlutter.init(
network: Network.sapphire_mainnet,
redirectUrl: redirectUrl,

final Web3AuthResponse response = await Web3AuthFlutter.login(
mfaLevel: MFALevel.MANDATORY,

Using the mfaSettings to configure MFA Order

You can configure the order of MFA, and enable or disable MFA type by passing the mfaSettings object in Web3AuthOptions.

Minimum SCALE plan required

This is a paid feature and the minimum pricing plan to use this SDK in a production environment is the SCALE Plan. You can use this feature in the development environment for free.


deviceShareFactor?MFA setting for deviceShareFactor. It accepts MfaSetting as a value.
backUpShareFactor?MFA setting for backUpShareFactor. It accepts MfaSetting as a value.
socialBackupFactor?MFA setting for socialBackupFactor. It accepts MfaSetting as a value.
passwordFactor?MFA setting for passwordFactor. It accepts MfaSetting as a value.


enableEnable/Disable MFA. It accepts bool as a value.
priority?Priority of MFA. It accepts int as a value, where valid range is from 1 to 4.
mandatory?Mandatory/Optional MFA. It acccepts bool as a value.
Future<void> initWeb3Auth() async {

late final Uri redirectUrl;
if (Platform.isAndroid) {
redirectUrl = Uri.parse('{SCHEME}://{HOST}/auth');
// w3a://com.example.w3aflutter/auth
} else {
redirectUrl = Uri.parse('{bundleId}://auth');
// com.example.w3aflutter://auth

await Web3AuthFlutter.init(
network: Network.sapphire_mainnet,
redirectUrl: redirectUrl,
mfaSettings: MfaSettings(
deviceShareFactor: MfaSetting(
enable: true,
priority: 4,
mandatory: false,
backUpShareFactor: MfaSetting(
enable: true,
priority: 2,
mandatory: true,
socialBackupFactor: MfaSetting(
enable: true,
priority: 3,
mandatory: false,
passwordFactor: MfaSetting(
enable: true,
priority: 1,
mandatory: true,

await Web3AuthFlutter.initialize();