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Whitelabel Plug n Play Modal

Web3Auth is fully whitelabelable with application branding to have a consistent user experience. For Whitelabeling, there are three different aspects available for you. Web3Auth gives you the ability to define a custom UI, branding, and translations for your applications. All our SDKs support Whitelabeling, giving granular customization capability across all our offerings.


This is a paid feature and the minimum pricing plan to use this SDK in a production environment is the Growth Plan. You can use this feature in sapphire_devnet for free.

Within the Web3Auth Plug and Play Modal SDK, whitelabeling can happen in 3 different places,

  • Web3Auth Modal: You can whitelabel the Web3Auth Modal according to your needs, for this, you need to pass on the following parameters:
    • Within the uiConfig parameter while instantiating Web3Auth, you can configure the Web3Auth Modal according to your application's requirements.
    • Change the visibility and order of methods appearing in Web3Auth modal by passing the modalConfig in initModal function, while initializing the SDK.
  • Openlogin Adapter: The redirect screens while logging in and constructing the key, can be customised according to your common as well. For this, you need to pass on the whiteLabel configuration parameter to the openlogin-adapter.

Web3Auth Modal

NEW: Whitelabeling via the Dashboard

From version 8.5.0, Web3Auth Modal Plug and Play SDK offers whitelabeling capabilities via the Dashboard. This enables developers to customize the authentication modal, user interface, and translations to align with their application's branding and user experience requirements.

  • Customize the Authentication Modal: Modify the appearance of the authentication modal, including the primary color, application name, logo and dark or light mode, to align with your application's branding.

  • Configure Language and Translations: Customize the language and translations within the authentication flow to cater to your target audience.

    Web3Auth Whitelabeling Dashboard

Whitelabeling while Web3Auth Instantiation


Read more about Instantiating Web3Auth in the Initialization SDK Reference

While instantiating Web3Auth, the constructor takes an object with Web3AuthOptions as input. The Web3AuthOptions object is further taken in the parameter of uiConfig which is the configuration for whitelabeling the Modal UI display properties.


loginMethodsOrderorder of how login methods are shown
modalZIndexZ-index of the modal and iframe
displayErrorsOnModalWhether to show errors on Web3Auth modal.
loginGridColnumber of columns to display the Social Login buttons
primaryButtonDecides which button will be the focus of the modal
uxModeUX Mode for the openlogin adapter
appName?App name to be displayed in the User Flow Screens. It accepts string as a value.
appUrl?App URL to be displayed in the User Flow Screens. It accepts string as a value.
logoLight?App logo to be shown on the light background (light theme). It accepts string as a value.
logoDark?App logo to be shown on the dark background (dark theme). It accepts string as a value.
defaultLanguage?Default Language to use.
Choose from:
  • en - English
  • de - German
  • ja - Japanese
  • ko - Korean
  • zh - Mandarin
  • es - Spanish
  • fr - French
  • pt - Portuguese
  • nl - Dutch
  • tr - Turkish
. Default language is en
mode?Choose between auto, light or dark background modes. Default is auto.
theme?Used to customize the theme of the login modal with the following options
'primary' - To customize the primary color of the modal's content. It accepts Record as a value.
tncLink?Language specific link for terms and conditions on torus-website. See (examples/vue-app) to configure e.g. tncLink: {en: "", ja: ""}
privacyPolicy?Language specific link for privacy policy on torus-website. See (examples/vue-app) to configure e.g. privacyPolicy: { en: "", ja: "", }


whiteLabel?: WhiteLabelData;

The whitelabel parameter takes WhitelabelData as input. The WhitelabelData object takes the following parameters:


appName?App name to be displayed in the User Flow Screens. It accepts string as a value.
appUrl?App URL to be displayed in the User Flow Screens. It accepts string as a value.
logoLight?App logo to be shown on the light background (light theme). It accepts string as a value.
logoDark?App logo to be shown on the dark background (dark theme). It accepts string as a value.
defaultLanguage?Default Language to use.
Choose from:
  • en - English
  • de - German
  • ja - Japanese
  • ko - Korean
  • zh - Mandarin
  • es - Spanish
  • fr - French
  • pt - Portuguese
  • nl - Dutch
  • tr - Turkish
. Default language is en
mode?Choose between auto, light or dark background modes. Default is auto.
theme?Used to customize the theme of the login modal with the following options
'primary' - To customize the primary color of the modal's content. It accepts Record as a value.
tncLink?Language specific link for terms and conditions on torus-website. See (examples/vue-app) to configure e.g. tncLink: {en: "", ja: ""}
privacyPolicy?Language specific link for privacy policy on torus-website. See (examples/vue-app) to configure e.g. privacyPolicy: { en: "", ja: "", }


uiConfig: {
appName: "W3A Heroes",
mode: "dark", // light, dark or auto
loginMethodsOrder: ["apple", "google", "twitter"],
logoLight: "",
logoDark: "",
defaultLanguage: "en", // en, de, ja, ko, zh, es, fr, pt, nl, tr
loginGridCol: 3,
primaryButton: "socialLogin", // "externalLogin" | "socialLogin" | "emailLogin"

Whitelabeling while Modal Initialization


Read more about Initializing Web3Auth in the Initialization SDK Reference

While initializing the Web3Auth Modal, the initModal() function takes an object with modalConfig as input. This object helps you configure the different adapters available in the Web3Auth Modal. Further, the modalConfig object takes the parameter of loginMethods which helps you configure the social logins and their visibility in the modal.



modalConfig: { ADAPTER : { params } }

labelLabel of the adapter you want to configure. It's a mandatory field which accepts string.
showOnModal?Whether to show an adapter in modal or not. Default value is true.
showOnDesktop?Whether to show an adapter in desktop or not. Default value is true.
showOnMobile?Whether to show an adapter in mobile or not. Default value is true.

Additionally, to configure the Openlogin Adapter's each login method, we have the loginMethods? parameter.

loginMethods?To configure visibility of each social login method for the openlogin adapter. It accepts LoginMethodConfig as a value.

loginMethods: { label: { params } }

In loginMethods, you can configure the visibility of each social login method for the openlogin adapter. The social login is corresponded by the label parameter. Below is the table indicating the different params available for customization.

For labels you can choose between these options: google, facebook, twitter, reddit, discord, twitch, apple, line, github, kakao, linkedin, weibo, wechat, email_passwordless


name?Display Name. It accepts string as a value.
description?Description for the button. If provided, it renders as a full length button. else, icon button. It accepts string as a value.
logoHover?Logo to be shown on mouse hover. It accepts string as a value.
logoLight?Light logo for dark background. It accepts string as a value.
logoDark?Dark logo for light background. It accepts string as a value.
mainOption?Show login button on the main list. It accepts oolean as a value. Default value is false.
showOnModal?Whether to show the login button on modal or not. Default value is true.
showOnDesktop?Whether to show the login button on desktop. Default value is true.
showOnMobile?Whether to show the login button on mobile. Default value is true.


await web3auth.initModal({
modalConfig: {
label: "openlogin",
loginMethods: {
google: {
name: "google login",
logoDark: "url to your custom logo which will shown in dark mode",
facebook: {
// it will hide the facebook option from the Web3Auth modal.
name: "facebook login",
showOnModal: false,
// setting it to false will hide all social login methods from modal.
showOnModal: true,

Openlogin Adapter

Web3Auth's Social Logins and Email Login run using the OpenLogin Flow. The whole OpenLogin user experience can also be whitelabeled using OpenLogin Adapter settings. For this, you need to pass on the whiteLabel configuration parameter to the adapterSettings property of the openlogin-adapter.


Checkout the openlogin-adapter SDK Reference for more details on different configurations you can pass for customizations.

whiteLabel?: WhiteLabelData;

The whitelabel parameter takes WhitelabelData as input. The WhitelabelData object takes the following parameters:


appName?App name to be displayed in the User Flow Screens. It accepts string as a value.
appUrl?App URL to be displayed in the User Flow Screens. It accepts string as a value.
logoLight?App logo to be shown on the light background (light theme). It accepts string as a value.
logoDark?App logo to be shown on the dark background (dark theme). It accepts string as a value.
defaultLanguage?Default Language to use.
Choose from:
  • en - English
  • de - German
  • ja - Japanese
  • ko - Korean
  • zh - Mandarin
  • es - Spanish
  • fr - French
  • pt - Portuguese
  • nl - Dutch
  • tr - Turkish
. Default language is en
mode?Choose between auto, light or dark background modes. Default is auto.
theme?Used to customize the theme of the login modal with the following options
'primary' - To customize the primary color of the modal's content. It accepts Record as a value.
tncLink?Language specific link for terms and conditions on torus-website. See (examples/vue-app) to configure e.g. tncLink: {en: "", ja: ""}
privacyPolicy?Language specific link for privacy policy on torus-website. See (examples/vue-app) to configure e.g. privacyPolicy: { en: "", ja: "", }


The name of the application. This will be displayed in the key reconstruction page.

Standard screen without any change

Standard screen without any change

Name changed to Formidable Duo

Name changed to Formidable Duo

logoLight & logoDark

The logo of the application. Displayed in dark and light mode respectively. This will be displayed in the key reconstruction page.

logoLight on dark mode

logoLight on dark mode

logoDark on light mode

logoDark on light mode


Default language will set the language used on all OpenLogin screens. The supported languages are:

  • en - English (default)

  • de - German

  • ja - Japanese

  • ko - Korean

  • zh - Mandarin

  • es - Spanish

  • fr - French

  • pt - Portuguese

  • nl - Dutch

  • tr - Turkish

default Language screen


Can be set to true or false with default set to false.

For Light: dark: false

light theme

For Dark: dark: true

dark theme


Theme is a record of colors that can be configured. As of, now only primary color can be set and has effect on OpenLogin screens (default primary color is #0364FF). Theme affects icons and links. Examples below.

Standard color #0364FF

Theme is a record of colors that can be configured.

Color changed to #D72F7A

Theme affects icons and links.


import { OpenloginAdapter } from "@web3auth/openlogin-adapter";

const openloginAdapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
adapterSettings: {
clientId, //Optional - Provide only if you haven't provided it in the Web3Auth Instantiation Code
network: "sapphire_mainnet", // Optional - Provide only if you haven't provided it in the Web3Auth Instantiation Code
uxMode: "popup",
whiteLabel: {
appName: "W3A Heroes",
appUrl: "",
logoLight: "",
logoDark: "",
defaultLanguage: "en", // en, de, ja, ko, zh, es, fr, pt, nl, tr
mode: "dark", // whether to enable dark mode. defaultValue: auto
theme: {
primary: "#00D1B2",
useLogoLoader: true,