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XRPL Private Key Provider


The @web3auth/xrpl-provider is a Web3Auth provider that simplifies interaction with the XRPL Blockchain by serving as a wrapper around the XRPL JSON RPC API. It is used to interact with the XRPL blockchain and perform various operations like getting user's account, balance, signing a transaction, sending a transaction etc.

In this section we'll explore more about how you can use this provider with our SDKs.



npm install --save @web3auth/xrpl-provider


Import the XrplPrivateKeyProvider class from @web3auth/xrpl-provider.

import { XrplPrivateKeyProvider } from "@web3auth/xrpl-provider";

Assign the XrplPrivateKeyProvider class to a variable

After creating your Web3Auth instance, you need to initialize the Torus Wallet UI Plugin and add it to a class for further usage.

const privateKeyProvider = new XrplPrivateKeyProvider({ config: XrplPrivKeyProviderConfig });

This constructor takes an object with a config of XrplPrivKeyProviderConfig as input.



export interface XrplPrivKeyProviderConfig extends BaseProviderConfig {
chainConfig: Omit<CustomChainConfig, "chainNamespace"> & Pick<CustomChainConfig, "wsTarget">;
export type CustomChainConfig = {
chainNamespace: ChainNamespaceType;
* The chain id of the chain
chainId: string;
* RPC target Url for the chain
rpcTarget: string;
* web socket target Url for the chain
wsTarget?: string;
* Display Name for the chain
displayName: string;
* Url of the block explorer
blockExplorer: string;
* Default currency ticker of the network (e.g: ETH)
ticker: string;
* Name for currency ticker (e.g: `Ethereum`)
tickerName: string;
* Number of decimals for the currency ticker (e.g: 18)
decimals?: number;
export interface BaseProviderConfig extends BaseConfig {
chainConfig: Partial<CustomChainConfig>;
networks?: Record<string, CustomChainConfig>;
skipLookupNetwork?: boolean;
export interface BaseConfig {
* Determines if this controller is enabled
disabled?: boolean;

Chain Config

For getting the Chain Config for XRPL Chain, you need to use the getXRPLChainConfig function from @web3auth/xrpl-provider.

export declare const getXRPLChainConfig: (
network: XRPLNetworkType,
customChainConfig?: Partial<Omit<CustomChainConfig, "chainNamespace">>,
) => CustomChainConfig & Pick<CustomChainConfig, "wsTarget">;

In this function, you can pass over your custom config as well as just the network type for web3auth to generate a standard config according to your requirement.


const xrplProvider: any = new XrplPrivateKeyProvider({
config: { chainConfig: getXRPLChainConfig("testnet") },
}); // devnet, testnet, mainnet

Setting up the provider

For Web3Auth PnP Web SDKs

If you are using chainNamespace: "other" while initializing Web3Auth or Web3AuthNoModal with the OpenloginAdapter, you need to add the privateKeyProvider to the OpenLogin instance.

import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/modal";
import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES } from "@web3auth/base";
import { OpenloginAdapter } from "@web3auth/openlogin-adapter";
import { XrplPrivateKeyProvider, getXRPLChainConfig } from "@web3auth/xrpl-provider";
import { convertStringToHex, Payment, xrpToDrops } from "xrpl";

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
chainConfig: {
clientId = "YOUR_WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID", // get from
web3AuthNetwork = "sapphire_mainnet",

const xrplProvider = new XrplPrivateKeyProvider({
config: {
chainConfig: getXRPLChainConfig("testnet"), // devnet, testnet, mainnet

const adapter = new OpenloginAdapter({
privateKeyProvider: xrplProvider, // <-- Injecting the XRPL provider

await web3auth.initModal();

const web3authProvider = await web3auth.connect();


After configuring the provider, you may utilize various functions from the @web3auth/xrpl-provider library for tasks such as obtaining the user's account, executing transactions, and signing messages. Below are a few sample use cases to assist you in getting started:

Get User Account and Balance


The purpose of this function is to retrieve the details of the connected account.


try {
// web3authProvider is from above
const accounts = await web3authProvider.request<string[]>({
method: "xrpl_getAccounts",

if (accounts) {
const accInfo = (await web3authProvider.request({
method: "account_info",
params: [
account: accounts[0],
strict: true,
ledger_index: "current",
queue: true,
})) as Record<string, Record<string, string>>;
console.log("XRPL account info", accInfo);
// xrpl Account
const account = accInfo?.account_data?.Account;
// Balance
const balance = accInfo?.account_data?.Balance;
} else {
console.log("No accounts found, please report this issue.");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error", error);

Sign a Transaction


The function is utilized for signing transactions.


try {
const accounts = await web3authProvider.request<string[]>({
method: "xrpl_getAccounts",

if (accounts && accounts.length > 0) {
const tx: Payment = {
TransactionType: "Payment",
Account: accounts[0] as string,
Amount: xrpToDrops(2),
Destination: "rJAHHPYmy4g3h7kzfj2Mzm2nHwpKuVdEvX", // Destination address
const txSign = await web3authProvider.request({
method: "xrpl_signTransaction",
params: {
transaction: tx,
console.log("txRes", txSign);
} else {
console.log("failed to fetch accounts");
} catch (error) {
console.log("error", error);

Sign and Send a Transaction


The purpose of this function is to sign and broadcast a transaction onto the blockchain. Upon successful execution, it will return the signature of the broadcasted transaction.


try {
const accounts = await web3authProvider.request<string[]>({
method: "xrpl_getAccounts",

if (accounts && accounts.length > 0) {
const tx: Payment = {
TransactionType: "Payment",
Account: accounts[0] as string,
Amount: xrpToDrops(2),
Destination: "rJAHHPYmy4g3h7kzfj2Mzm2nHwpKuVdEvX",
const txSign = await provider.request({
method: "xrpl_submitTransaction",
params: {
transaction: tx,
console.log("txRes", txSign);
} else {
console.log("failed to fetch accounts");
} catch (error) {
console.log("error", error);

Sign a Message


This method is utilized for signing any message using the currently connected wallet.


try {
const msg = "Hello world";
const hexMsg = convertStringToHex(msg);
const txSign = await web3authProvider.request<{ signature: string }>({
method: "xrpl_signMessage",
params: {
message: hexMsg,
console.log("txRes", txSign);
} catch (error) {
console.log("error", error);

Fetch User's Private Key


The purpose of this method is to retrieve the private key of the currently logged-in user.


//Assuming user is already logged in.
async getPrivateKey() {
const privateKey = await web3authProvider.request({
method: "private_key"
//Do something with privateKey