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Initializing Single Factor Auth JS SDK

After Installation, the next step to use Web3Auth Single Factor Auth JS SDK is to Initialize the SDK.

However, the Initialization is a two-step process, ie.

Instantiating Web3Auth

Import the Web3Auth class from @web3auth/single-factor-auth package.

import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/single-factor-auth";

Assign the Web3Auth class to a variable

const web3auth = new Web3Auth(Web3AuthOptions);

This Web3Auth constructor takes an object with Web3AuthOptions as input.



clientIdClient id for web3auth. You can obtain your client ID from the web3auth developer dashboard. You can set any random string for this on localhost.
web3AuthNetworkWeb3Auth Network to use for login. The default value is mainnet.
privateKeyProviderPrivate key provider for your chain namespace.
accountAbstractionProvider?Account abstraction provider for your preferred chain and provider.
enableLogging?Setting to true will enable logs. The default value is false.
usePnPKey?Setting this to true returns the same key as web SDK (i.e., plug-n-play key). By default, this SDK returns CoreKitKey.
sessionTime?How long should a login session last at a minimum in seconds? The default value is 86400 seconds. The max value of sessionTime can be 7 * 86400 (30 days).
storageKey?Setting to "local" will persist the social login session across browser tabs. The default value is local.
storageServerUrl?Specify a custom storage server URL. The default value is
serverTimeOffset?Specify a custom server time offset. The default value is 0.
mode?Defines the mode of the SDK. The default value is web. You can use react-native or node for respective platforms.
storage?Storage for SFA's local state. The default value is localStorage. You need to pass the storage instance for react-native mode.

Instantiating Provider


privateKeyProvider parameter helps you to connect with various wallet SDKs. These are preconfigured RPC clients for different blockchains used to interact with the respective blockchain networks.


It's mandatory to provide privateKeyProvider for your corresponding chain namespace. To know more in-depth about providers, have a look at the Providers reference.

You can choose between the following providers based on your usecase.

import { EthereumPrivateKeyProvider } from "@web3auth/ethereum-provider";
import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES, WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/base";

const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
config: {
pass the chain config that you want to connect with.
all chainConfig fields are required.
chainConfig: {
chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
chainId: "0x1",
rpcTarget: "",
displayName: "Ethereum Mainnet",
blockExplorerUrl: "",
ticker: "ETH",
tickerName: "Ethereum",

Initializing Web3Auth


To complete the initialization process, we need to initialize the Web3Auth instance, which we named web3auth. This is achieved by calling the init() function of the previously created web3auth instance.

await web3auth.init();



For Web, you need to simply pass the basic Web3AuthOptions, and the private key provider, and the SDK will handle the rest.

import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/single-factor-auth";
import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES, WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/base";
import { EthereumPrivateKeyProvider } from "@web3auth/ethereum-provider";

const chainConfig = {
chainId: "0x1",
displayName: "Ethereum Mainnet",
chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
tickerName: "Ethereum",
ticker: "ETH",
decimals: 18,
rpcTarget: "",
blockExplorerUrl: "",
logo: "",
const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
config: { chainConfig },

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
clientId: "WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID", // Get your Client ID from the Web3Auth Dashboard
privateKeyProvider: privateKeyProvider,
usePnPKey: false, // By default, this SDK returns CoreKitKey

React Native

While configuring the React Native Instance, you need to pass the storage option, and the mode of the SDK should be set to react-native.

import { Web3Auth, SDK_MODE } from "@web3auth/single-factor-auth";
import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES, WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/base";
import { EthereumPrivateKeyProvider } from "@web3auth/ethereum-provider";
import EncryptedStorage from "react-native-encrypted-storage";

const chainConfig = {
chainId: "0x1",
displayName: "Ethereum Mainnet",
chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
tickerName: "Ethereum",
ticker: "ETH",
decimals: 18,
rpcTarget: "",
blockExplorerUrl: "",
logo: "",
const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
config: { chainConfig },

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
clientId: "WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID", // Get your Client ID from the Web3Auth Dashboard
privateKeyProvider: privateKeyProvider,
usePnPKey: false, // By default, this SDK returns CoreKitKey
storage: EncryptedStorage,

Node JS

import { Web3Auth, SDK_MODE } from "@web3auth/single-factor-auth";
import { CHAIN_NAMESPACES, WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/base";
import { EthereumPrivateKeyProvider } from "@web3auth/ethereum-provider";

const chainConfig = {
chainId: "0x1",
displayName: "Ethereum Mainnet",
chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
tickerName: "Ethereum",
ticker: "ETH",
decimals: 18,
rpcTarget: "",
blockExplorerUrl: "",
logo: "",
const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
config: { chainConfig },

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
clientId: "WEB3AUTH_CLIENT_ID", // Get your Client ID from the Web3Auth Dashboard
privateKeyProvider: privateKeyProvider,
usePnPKey: false, // By default, this SDK returns CoreKitKey

For Node JS, you just need to set the mode of the SDK to node.

Quick Starts