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SafeAuth Kit SDK

Safe is a platform that makes it possible for anyone to own a digital account. It establishes universal and transparent standards for the storage of digital assets, data, and identity. With SafeAuth Kit, you can easily create smart wallets that work seamlessly with ERC-4337, using the user's EOA as the smart wallet's signer. This simplifies the process of incorporating Account Abstraction features into your application.


Check out our example app and repository for an end-to-end Web3Auth and SafeAuth Kit integration.

Install SafeAuth Kit

To get started, install the @safe-global/auth-kit SDK from Safe.

npm i @safe-global/auth-kit

Create a SafeAuthPack instance

To integrate SafeAuth into your application, start by creating an instance of the SafeAuthPack class from the @safe-global/auth-kit package. This instance will be the entry point for managing authentication and transactions.

import { SafeAuthPack, SafeAuthConfig, SafeAuthInitOptions } from "@safe-global/auth-kit";

const safeAuthInitOptions: SafeAuthInitOptions = {
showWidgetButton: false, // Set to true to show the SafeAuth widget button
chainConfig: {
blockExplorerUrl: "", // The block explorer URL
chainId: "0xaa36a7", // The chain ID
displayName: "Ethereum Sepolia", // The chain name
rpcTarget: "", // The RPC target
ticker: "ETH", // The chain ticker
tickerName: "Ethereum", // The chain ticker name

const safeAuthPack = new SafeAuthPack();
await safeAuthPack.init(safeAuthInitOptions);

You should always call the init() method afterward before interacting with the pack. The init method initializes the provided Web3Auth SDK and Safe services. It creates an embedded browser wallet within an iframe, establishing communication through the internally generated EIP-1193 provider.

Sign in to an Ethereum account

Sign In

To start the authentication process, simply call the signIn() method. This method is usually triggered when a user clicks on a Sign In button on your web application. Once the user has successfully signed in, a new Ethereum Wallet will be created. This wallet will be utilized for all future logins and can be shared across different applications.

const safeAuthSignInResponse = await safeAuthPack.signIn();

The returned safeAuthSignInResponse contains the user's Ethereum address and associated Safe addresses.

This method retrieves Safe addresses owned by the EOA, but does not create a Safe.

AuthKitSignInData {
eoa: string // The safe signer
safes?: string[] // The list of associated Safe addresses in the chain

Create Safe

Creation of a Safe is done by using the SafeFactory from the Protocol Kit. The Protocol Kit is a library that provides a set of tools to interact with the Safe smart contract.

To create a Safe, use the following code:

import { ethers, BrowserProvider, Eip1193Provider } from "ethers";
import { EthersAdapter, SafeFactory } from "@safe-global/protocol-kit";

const provider = new BrowserProvider(safeAuthPack?.getProvider() as Eip1193Provider);
const signer = await provider.getSigner();
const ethAdapter = new EthersAdapter({
signerOrProvider: signer,
} as any);

const safeFactory = await SafeFactory.create({ ethAdapter });
const safe = await safeFactory.deploySafe({
safeAccountConfig: { threshold: 1, owners: [safeAuthSignInResponse?.eoa as string] },
console.log("SAFE Created!", await safe.getAddress());


After authentication, use getProvider() to obtain the Ethereum provider instance, compatible with EIP-1193.


Sign Out

To sign out the user, use the signOut() method.

await safeAuthPack.signOut();

Signing and executing transactions

Combine SafeAuth Kit with the Protocol Kit to connect to a Safe and perform transactions.

import { ethers, BrowserProvider, Eip1193Provider } from "ethers";
import { EthersAdapter } from "@safe-global/protocol-kit";

const provider = new BrowserProvider(safeAuthPack?.getProvider() as Eip1193Provider);
const signer = await provider.getSigner();

// Create the Safe EthersAdapter
const ethAdapter = new EthersAdapter({
signerOrProvider: signer || provider,

const safeAddress = safeAuthSignInResponse?.safes?.[0] || "0x";

// Instantiate the protocolKit
const protocolKit = await Safe.create({

// Create a Safe transaction with the provided parameters
const safeTransactionData: MetaTransactionData = {
to: ethers.getAddress(safeAuthSignInResponse?.eoa || "0x"),
data: "0x",
value: ethers.parseUnits("0.0001", "ether").toString(),

const safeTransaction = await protocolKit.createTransaction({

// Sign transaction
const tx = await protocolKit.signTransaction(safeTransaction);

// Execute the transaction
const txResult = await protocolKit.executeTransaction(tx);

Sign messages using the SafeAuthPack

Sign messages or transactions using your preferred web3 library.

// Using web3
const web3 = new Web3(safeAuthPack.getProvider());

const message = "Safe meets Web3Auth";
const address = safeAuthSignInResponse?.eoa || "0x";
await web3.eth.personal.sign(message, address);
await web3.eth.signTransaction(tx);
await web3.eth.sendTransaction(tx);

The integration makes use of Web3Auth Wallet Services to offer users a secure and hassle-free authentication experience.