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Integrate Web3Auth with the TON Blockchain

While using the Web3Auth Web SDK for a non-EVM chain like TON, you get a standard provider from which you can obtain the private key of the user. Using this private key, you can use the corresponding libraries of the blockchain to make blockchain calls like getting the user's account, balance, send transaction, etc. We have highlighted a few methods here to get you started quickly on that.


This reference is for the Web, but you can use TON on other Mobile and Gaming Platforms as well. Please follow our reference for EVM Blockchains, and similarly use TON libraries that support the platforms to use the private key and make blockchain calls accordingly.


npm install --save @web3auth/no-modal @web3auth/openlogin-adapter @web3auth/base tonweb @orbs-network/ton-access

Initializing Provider

Getting the rpc

import { getHttpEndpoint } from "@orbs-network/ton-access";

const rpc = await getHttpEndpoint();

Initializing and instantiating the Web3Auth SDK

import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/modal";
import { CommonPrivateKeyProvider } from "@web3auth/base-provider";
import { WEB3AUTH_NETWORK, CHAIN_NAMESPACES } from "@web3auth/base";

const privateKeyProvider = new CommonPrivateKeyProvider({
config: { chainConfig: chainConfig },

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
// Get it from Web3Auth Dashboard
privateKeyProvider: privateKeyProvider,

Getting the Web3Auth provider

After initializing Web3Auth, the next step is to initialize the provider and use it for your operations.

// Initialize for PnP Modal SDK
await web3auth.initModal();

// Trigger the login
await web3auth.connect();

// Get the provider
const provider = web3auth.provider;

// Continue using the `provider`

After logging in, the Web3Auth instance will provide you with information regarding the user that is logged in. This information is obtained directly from the JWT token and is not stored by Web3Auth. Therefore, this information can only be accessed through social logins after the user has logged into your application.

const user = await web3auth.getUserInfo(); // web3auth instance

TON Libraries

TonWeb is a JavaScript/TypeScript library that provides a high-level interface for interacting with the TON blockchain. It allows for the creation and management of wallets, signing transactions, and interacting with smart contracts.

@orbs-network/ton-access is a lightweight library that helps discover and connect to TON blockchain nodes. It provides an endpoint to the TON network, ensuring you can reliably connect to the blockchain for your operations.

Get Accounts

Using getKeyPairFromPrivateKey() and TON's wallet libraries, you can retrieve the user's account address.

import type { IProvider } from "@web3auth/base";
import TonWeb from "tonweb";

const rpc = await getHttpEndpoint();

export default class TonRPC {
private provider: IProvider;
private tonweb: TonWeb;

constructor(provider: IProvider) {
this.provider = provider;
this.tonweb = new TonWeb(new TonWeb.HttpProvider(rpc));

async getAccounts(): Promise<string> {
try {
const privateKey = await this.getPrivateKey();
const keyPair = this.getKeyPairFromPrivateKey(privateKey);
const WalletClass = this.tonweb.wallet.all["v3R2"];
const wallet = new WalletClass(this.tonweb.provider, {
publicKey: keyPair.publicKey,
const address = await wallet.getAddress();
return address.toString(true, true, true);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error getting accounts:", error);
return "";

async getPrivateKey(): Promise<string> {
try {
return await this.provider.request({
method: "private_key",
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error getting private key:", error);
throw error;

public getKeyPairFromPrivateKey(privateKey: string): {
publicKey: Uint8Array;
secretKey: Uint8Array;
} {
const privateKeyBytes = new Uint8Array(
privateKey.match(/.{1,2}/g)!.map((byte) => parseInt(byte, 16)),

if (privateKeyBytes.length !== 32) {
const adjustedPrivateKey = new Uint8Array(32);
adjustedPrivateKey.set(privateKeyBytes.slice(0, 32));
return TonWeb.utils.nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(adjustedPrivateKey);

return TonWeb.utils.nacl.sign.keyPair.fromSeed(privateKeyBytes);

Get Balance

Using the account address we received in the previous step, we can fetch the balance using an RPC call to tonweb.getBalance().

import TonWeb from "tonweb";

export default class TonRPC {
async getBalance(): Promise<string> {
try {
const address = await this.getAccounts();
const balance = await this.tonweb.getBalance(address);
return TonWeb.utils.fromNano(balance);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error getting balance:", error);
return "0";

Send Transaction

import TonWeb from "tonweb";

export default class TonRPC {
async sendTransaction(): Promise<any> {
try {
const privateKey = await this.getPrivateKey();
const keyPair = this.getKeyPairFromPrivateKey(privateKey);
const WalletClass = this.tonweb.wallet.all["v3R2"];
const wallet = new WalletClass(this.tonweb.provider, {
publicKey: keyPair.publicKey,

const address = await wallet.getAddress();
console.log("Wallet address:", address.toString(true, true, true));

const balance = await this.tonweb.getBalance(address);
console.log("Wallet balance:", TonWeb.utils.fromNano(balance));

const isDeployed = balance !== "0";
console.log("Is wallet deployed:", isDeployed);

if (!isDeployed) {
"Wallet not deployed or has zero balance. Please deploy the wallet and fund it before sending transactions.",
return { error: "Wallet not deployed or has zero balance" };

let seqno;
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
try {
seqno = await wallet.methods.seqno().call();
console.log("Current seqno:", seqno);
if (seqno !== null) break;
} catch (seqnoError) {
console.error(`Error getting seqno (attempt ${i + 1}):`, seqnoError);
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));

if (seqno === null) {
throw new Error("Failed to retrieve seqno after multiple attempts");

const transfer = wallet.methods.transfer({
secretKey: keyPair.secretKey,
toAddress: "EQD4FPq-PRDieyQKkizFTRtSDyucUIqrj0v_zXJmqaDp6_0t",
amount: TonWeb.utils.toNano("0.01"),
seqno: seqno,
payload: "Hello, TON!",
sendMode: 3,

console.log("Prepared transfer:", transfer);

const result = await transfer.send();
console.log("Transaction result:", result);

return {
transactionHash: result.hash,
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error sending transaction:", error);
return { error: error.message };