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Integrate Web3Auth with the Solana Blockchain in Android

While using the Web3Auth Android SDK, you can retrive the Ed25519 private key upon successful authentication. This private key can be used to derive user's public address and interact with Solana chain. We have highlighted a few methods here for getting you started quickly on that.


To interact with the Solana blockchain in Android, you can use any Solana compatible SDK. Here, we're using sol4k to demonstrate how to interact with Solana chain using Web3Auth.

In your app-level gradle's dependencies section, add the following:

dependencies {
implementation 'org.sol4k:sol4k:0.4.1'


To Initialize the Connection we require rpc url. The Connection object will provide a gateway & protocol to interact with Solana cluster while sending requests and receving response.The sol4k SDK also provides RpcUrl constant for all the supported clusters. For this example, we are using RpcUrl.DEVNET for Devnet-beta. To interact with Testnet or Mainnet, you can simply change the RpcUrl.

Initializing Solana SDK

In the below code block, we'll create the Connection instance using the Devnet-beta rpc.

import org.sol4k.Connection
import org.sol4k.RpcUrl

val connection = Connection(RpcUrl.DEVNET)

Initializing Web3Auth SDK

In the below code block, we'll initialize the Web3Auth SDK and check whether the user has any Web3Auth session persisted or not. If the user is already authenticated, you can route them directly to HomeScreen, otherwise you can route them to LoginScreen for authentication purpose. For checking, if user is already authenticated, we can check whether private key is empty or not.

By default, the session is persisted for 1 day. You can modify it using sessionTime parameter during initialization.

Note: Note: The session can be persisted only for 30 days max

import com.web3auth.core.Web3Auth
import com.web3auth.core.types.Network
import com.web3auth.core.types.Web3AuthOptions

// Initialize Web3Auth SDK
val web3Auth: Web3Auth = Web3Auth(
clientId = "BPi5PB_UiIZ-cPz1GtV5i1I2iOSOHuimiXBI0e-Oe_u6X3oVAbCiAZOTEBtTXw4tsluTITPqA8zMsfxIKMjiqNQ",
context = context,
network = Network.SAPPHIRE_MAINNET,
redirectUrl = Uri.parse( "com.example.androidsolanaexample://auth")

// Check whether private key is empty or not for user authentication status.
val isUserAuthenticated = web3Auth.getPrivkey().isNotEmpty()

// Customize your logic to perform operations or navigation

Get User Info

After logging in, the Web3Auth instance will provide you with information regarding the user that is logged in. This information is obtained directly from the JWT token and is not stored by Web3Auth. Therefore, this information can only be accessed through social logins after the user has logged into your application. You can get the user information using getUserInfo function. The function will throw error in case if user is not authenticated.

try {
val userInfo = web3Auth.getUserInfo()!!
} catch(e: Exception) {
// Perform suitable error handling

Get Account

We can use getEd25519PrivKey method in Web3Auth to retrive the priavte key for the Solana ecosystem. In the below code block, we'll use the Ed25519 private key to retive user's public address by creating Keypair. The Keypair instance from sol4k SDK once created can be used to sign the Solana transactions.

val ed25519PrivateKey = web3Auth.getEd25519PrivKey()
val solanaKeyPair = Keypair.fromSecretKey(ed25519PrivateKey.hexToByteArray())

val userAccount = solanaKeyPair.publicKey.toBase58()

Get User balance

Once we have retrived userAccount, we can use it to fetch user balance. We'll use getBalance method from Connection instance to interact with Solana cluster and fetch user balance. The response of getBalance is BigInteger, we will need to divide it by by 10^9, because Solana's token decimals is 9.

try {
// Use solanaPrivateKey from above
val publicKey = solanaPrivateKey.publicKey;

val balanceResponse = connection.getBalance(publicKey).toBigDecimal()

// We are dividing the balance by 10^9, because Solana's
// token decimals is set to be 9;
val userBalance = balanceResponse.divide(BigDecimal.TEN.pow(9)).toString()
} catch (e: Exception) {
// Perform error handling

Sign Transaction

Let's now go through how can we sign the transaction. In the below codeblock, we'll create a new function prepareSignedTransaction which can be used to retrive the Base58 signature as well as broadcast transaction to the cluster. We'll use TransferInstruction to create the transaction to self transfer 0.01 Sol and sign it.

private suspend fun prepareSignedTransaction(sender: Keypair) : Transaction = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
try {
// highlight-next-start
val blockHash = connection.getLatestBlockhash()
val instruction = TransferInstruction(sender.publicKey, sender.publicKey, lamports = 10000000)
val transaction = Transaction(blockHash, instruction, feePayer = sender.publicKey)
// highlight-next-end
}catch (e: Exception) {
throw e

Once we have created prepareSignedTransaction function, we'll use it to prepare, sign the transaction, and serialize it to get Base58 signature.

 try {
val transaction = prepareSignedTransaction(sender)
val signedTransaction = Base58.encode(transaction.serialize())
} catch (e:Exception) {
// Perform error handling

Send Transaction

For the send transaction, we'll use sendTransaction method from Connection instance to broadcast the result of prepareSignedTransaction to the cluster.

 try {
val transaction = prepareSignedTransaction(sender)
connection.sendTransaction(transaction = transaction)
} catch (e:Exception) {
// Perform error handling