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PnP React Native - v4 to v5

Changes to the WhiteLabelData object

Addition and modifications to parameters

  • With v5, when sending the whitelabel object while initialization, please keep in mind that the name parameter signifying the name of the app has been changed to appName.
  • The dark parameter that used to accept a boolean value to switch between dark or light mode has been changed to mode that accepts a string value of either light or dark or auto.
  • The theme parameter now accepts an object with key-value pairs, where the value corresponds to the color for a specific set of keys.
  • Other than the above modifications, new parameters have been added to the WhiteLabelData object, like, appUrl, useLogoLoader, tncLink and privacyPolicy.

Please look at the whitelabel section for WhiteLabelData interface.

import * as WebBrowser from "expo-web-browser";
import * as SecureStore from "expo-secure-store";
import Web3Auth, { LOGIN_PROVIDER, OPENLOGIN_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/react-native-sdk";

const clientId = "YOUR WEB3AUTH CLIENT ID";

const web3auth = new Web3Auth(WebBrowser, SecureStore, {
network: OPENLOGIN_NETWORK.TESTNET, // or other networks
whiteLabel: {
appName: "My App",
logoLight: "",
logoDark: "",
defaultLanguage: "en",
mode: "auto", // or "dark" or "light"
theme: {
primary: "#cddc39",