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Migration Guide from v1 to v2 for SFA Flutter SDK


This migration guide provides steps for upgrading from version v1 to v2 of the Web3Auth Single Factor Auth Flutter SDK. The guide outlines breaking changes in the return type of the methods of SingleFactAuthFlutter class.

Changes in Detail

Return type update for methods

In v2, we try to improve the developer experience by changing the return type for the initialize, getKey, and getAggregateKey methods.

initialize method

In v2, the initialize method will return the Future<TorusKey?> instead of Future<String>. The method will return null if the user doesn't have any active session present.

final TorusKey? torusKey = await _singleFactorAuthFlutterPlugin.initialize();

getKey method

In v2, the getKey method will return the Future<TorusKey> instead of Future<String>.

final torusKey = _singleFactorAuthFlutterPlugin.getKey(
verifier: 'torus-test-health',
verifierId: '',
idToken: Utils().es256Token(""),

getAggregateKey method

In v2, the getAggregateKey method will return the Future<TorusKey> instead of Future<String>.

final torusKey = _singleFactorAuthFlutterPlugin.getAggregateKey(
verifier: 'torus-test-health',
verifierId: '',
idToken: Utils().es256Token(""),
aggregateVerifier: 'torus-test-health-aggregate',