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Integrate Web3Auth with the Zircuit Blockchain in JavaScript

While using the Web3Auth Web SDK, you get a EIP1193 provider, similar to the Metamask Provider. This provider can be used with libraries like web3.js, ethers.js etc. to make Zircuit Blockchain calls like getting the user's account, fetching balance, signing transactions, sending transactions, reading from and writing to the smart contract, etc. We have highlighted a few examples to get you started.


To interact with the Zircuit blockchain, you can use either library with Web3Auth.

npm install --save viem

Initializing Provider

Using eip155 as chainNamespace while initializing web3auth will provide an EIP1193 compatible provider as web3auth.provider after successful authentication.

Getting the chainConfig

const chainConfig = {
chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
chainId: "0xBF04", // hex of 48900, Zircuit Mainnet
rpcTarget: "",
// Avoid using public rpcTarget in production.
// Use services like Infura, Quicknode etc
displayName: "Zircuit Mainnet",
blockExplorerUrl: "",
ticker: "ETH",
tickerName: "ETH",

Initializing and Instantiating the Web3Auth SDK

import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/modal";
import { EthereumPrivateKeyProvider } from "@web3auth/ethereum-provider";
import { WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/base";

const privateKeyProvider = new EthereumPrivateKeyProvider({
config: { chainConfig: chainConfig },

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
// Get it from Web3Auth Dashboard

Get User Info

After logging in, the Web3Auth instance will provide you with information regarding the user that is logged in. This information is obtained directly from the JWT token and is not stored by Web3Auth. Therefore, this information can only be accessed through social logins after the user has logged into your application.

const user = await web3auth.getUserInfo(); // web3auth instance

Get Account and Balance

const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: mainnet, // for mainnet
transport: custom(this.provider),

const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: mainnet,
transport: custom(this.provider),

// Get user's Ethereum public address
const address = await walletClient.getAddresses();

// Get user's balance in ether
const balance = await publicClient.getBalance({ address: address[0] });

Send Transaction

Use code from the above Initializing Provider here

const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: mainnet, // for mainnet
transport: custom(this.provider),

const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: mainnet, // for mainnet
transport: custom(this.provider),

// data for the transaction
const destination = "<ADDRESS>";
const amount = parseEther("0.0001");
const address = await this.getAccounts();

const address = await walletClient.getAddresses();

// Submit transaction to the blockchain
const hash = await walletClient.sendTransaction({
account: address[0],
to: destination,
value: amount,

const receipt = await publicClient.waitForTransactionReceipt({ hash });

Sign Transaction

Use code from the above Initializing Provider here

const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: mainnet, // for mainnet
transport: custom(this.provider),

// data for the transaction
const destination = "<ADDRESS>";
const amount = parseEther("0.0001");
const address = await this.getAccounts();

const address = await walletClient.getAddresses();

// Prepare transaction
const request = await walletClient.prepareTransactionRequest({
account: address[0],
to: destination,
value: amount,

// Sign transaction
const signature = await walletClient.signTransaction(request);

// Submit transaction to the blockchain
const hash = await walletClient.sendRawTransaction(signature);

Sign Message

Personal Sign

Use code from the above Initializing Provider here

const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: mainnet, // for mainnet
transport: custom(this.provider),

const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: mainnet, // for mainnet
transport: custom(this.provider),

// data for signing
const address = await walletClient.getAddresses();
const originalMessage = "YOUR_MESSAGE";

// Sign the message
const hash = await walletClient.signMessage({
account: address[0],
message: originalMessage,

Sign Typed Data v4

// SignTypedData in viem

Use code from the above Initializing Provider here

const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: mainnet,
transport: custom(this.provider),

const address = await walletClient.getAddresses();

const signature = await walletClient.signTypedData({
account: address[0],
domain: {
name: "Ether Mail",
version: "1",
chainId: 1,
verifyingContract: "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC",
types: {
Person: [
{ name: "name", type: "string" },
{ name: "wallet", type: "address" },
Mail: [
{ name: "from", type: "Person" },
{ name: "to", type: "Person" },
{ name: "contents", type: "string" },
primaryType: "Mail",
message: {
from: {
name: "Cow",
wallet: "0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826",
to: {
name: "Bob",
wallet: "0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB",
contents: "Hello, Bob!",

Smart Contract

Solidity Contract

In this example, we'll be demonstrating how to use Web3Auth with web3.js or ethers.js to interact with Solidity smart contracts. The simple Hello World contract allows anyone to read and write a message to it.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;

contract HelloWorld {

string public message;

constructor(string memory initMessage) {
message = initMessage;

function update(string memory newMessage) public {
message = newMessage;

Deploy Contract

Use code from the above Initializing Provider here
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: this.getViewChain(),
transport: custom(this.provider),

const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: mainnet,
transport: custom(this.provider),

const contractABI = [
inputs: [{ internalType: "string", name: "initMessage", type: "string" }],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "constructor",
inputs: [],
name: "message",
outputs: [{ internalType: "string", name: "", type: "string" }],
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [{ internalType: "string", name: "newMessage", type: "string" }],
name: "update",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
const contractByteCode =

const [account] = await walletClient.getAddresses();
const hash = await walletClient.deployContract({
abi: this.contractABI,
bytecode: this.contractByteCode,
args: ["Hello World!"],

const receipt = await publicClient.waitForTransactionReceipt({ hash });

const deployedContractAddress = receipt.contractAddress;

Read From Contract

Use code from the above Initializing Provider here

const contractABI = [
inputs: [{ internalType: "string", name: "initMessage", type: "string" }],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "constructor",
inputs: [],
name: "message",
outputs: [{ internalType: "string", name: "", type: "string" }],
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [{ internalType: "string", name: "newMessage", type: "string" }],
name: "update",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",

const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: mainnet, // for mainnet
transport: custom(this.provider),

const contractAddress = "0x8AA6820B3F197384874fAdb355361758258cb981"; // On Sepolia, replace with your contract address

// Read message from smart contract
const message = await publicClient.readContract({
address: contractAddress,
abi: contractABI,
functionName: "message",

Write to Contract

Use code from the above Initializing Provider here

const contractABI = [
inputs: [{ internalType: "string", name: "initMessage", type: "string" }],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "constructor",
inputs: [],
name: "message",
outputs: [{ internalType: "string", name: "", type: "string" }],
stateMutability: "view",
type: "function",
inputs: [{ internalType: "string", name: "newMessage", type: "string" }],
name: "update",
outputs: [],
stateMutability: "nonpayable",
type: "function",
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: mainnet,
transport: custom(this.provider),

const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: mainnet,
transport: custom(this.provider),

const contractAddress = "0x8AA6820B3F197384874fAdb355361758258cb981"; // On Sepolia, replace with your contract address
address = await walletClient.getAddresses();

// Submit transaction to the blockchain
const hash = await walletClient.writeContract({
account: address[0],
address: contractAddress,
abi: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(contractABI)),
functionName: "update",
args: ["NEW_MESSAGE"],

// Send transaction to smart contract to update message
const receipt = await publicClient.waitForTransactionReceipt({ hash });

Fetch User's Private Key

eth_private_key is used to fetch the private key of the logged in user. It is only available for in-app adapters like openlogin.

//Assuming user is already logged in.
async getPrivateKey() {
const privateKey = await web3auth.provider.request({
method: "eth_private_key"
//Do something with privateKey