Signing in MPC Core Kit JS SDK
Web3Auth's MPC Core Kit SDK supports both secp256k1 and ed25519 cryptographic curves. The secp256k1 curve enables the retrieval of public keys and the signing of transactions on blockchains compatible with secp256k1, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Meanwhile, the ed25519 curve provides the same capabilities for blockchains that support ed25519, ensuring broad compatibility across different blockchain ecosystems.
ECDSA Signature
To sign the transactions for secp256k1 curve, you can utilize the @toruslabs/tss-dkls-lib
instantiate Web3AuthMPCCoreKit with secp256k1 KeyType. To support the secp256k1 curve Web3Auth
internally uses the DKLS algorithm to provide the ECDSA signature using threshold protocols.
ECDSA signatures can be used for blockchain applications such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. Let's have an overview of how you can generate ECDSA signature for Ethereum.
As discussed earlier, to generate the ECDSA signature for Ethereum, we will utilize
to instantiate Web3AuthMPCCoreKit with secp256k1 KeyType. This package
contains all the necessary functionalities and logic required for TSS signing.
Along with that, we'll also use @web3auth/ethereum-mpc-provider
which is a helper package. This
package will provide a wrapper to sign the message using the partial keys and generate a TSS
The package providers an EIP1193 compatible provider which can be used with web3.js, ethers, or viem package offering capabilities like account management, and TSS transaction signing, and blockchain interaction.
The first step would be to install the helper packages which are required to integrate Web3AuthMPCCoreKit with any EVM-compatible chain.
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
$ npm install @toruslabs/tss-dkls-lib
$ npm install @web3auth/ethereum-mpc-provider
$ yarn add @toruslabs/tss-dkls-lib
$ yarn add @web3auth/ethereum-mpc-provider
$ pnpm add @toruslabs/tss-dkls-lib
$ pnpm add @web3auth/ethereum-mpc-provider
Create Web3AuthMPCCoreKit instance
Considering you have already installed the @toruslabs/tss-dkls-lib
package, let's use the tssLib
to create Web3AuthMPCCoreKit instance.
import { Web3AuthMPCCoreKit, WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";
import { tssLib } from "@toruslabs/tss-dkls-lib";
const coreKitInstance = new Web3AuthMPCCoreKit({
web3AuthClientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
manualSync: true, // This is the recommended approach
tssLib: tssLib,
Create EthereumSigningProvider instance
Once you have the Web3AuthMPCCoreKit
instance, you can create the instance of
which will help you to sign the transactions and interact with the
import { makeEthereumSigner } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";
import { EthereumSigningProvider } from "@web3auth/ethereum-mpc-provider";
const ethereumProvider = new EthereumSigningProvider({ config: { chainConfig } });
Get a User Account
Once you have an EthereumSigningProvider
instance, it can be used as an EIP1193 provider with
web3.js, ethers, or viem package. For this documentation, we'll be using web3.js.
We'll first create the Web3
instance using the ethereumProvider
. The Web3
instance can be used
to get a user's account, perform transactions, sign a message, etc. Read more about
supported JSON RPC methods.
import Web3 from "web3";
const web3 = new Web3(ethereumProvider);
// Get user's EOA address
const address = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
Sign message
To sign a message, you can use the RPC methods supported. For this documentation, we'll showcase how you can do a personal sign. To learn more about different RPC methods for signing, you can read our EthereumSigningProvider documentation.
const fromAddress = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
const originalMessage = "YOUR_MESSAGE";
const signedMessage = await web3.eth.personal.sign(originalMessage, fromAddress);
Send Transaction
To send an Ethereum transaction, you can utilize the sendTransaction
method. The method will sign
the transaction, as well as broadcast the transaction once a valid signature is generated. If you
only want to generate a signature, you can use the signTransaction
const fromAddress = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
// Convert 0.0001 ether to wei
const amount = web3.utils.toWei("0.0001");
// This will perform self transfer of 0.0001 ETH.
const receipt = await web3.eth.sendTransaction({
from: fromAddress,
to: fromAddress,
value: amount,
The secp256k1 support is not limited to only EVM compatible chains. You can use the SDK with any blockchain ecosystem that supports the secp256k1 curve.
Get PublicKey
To retrieve the secp256k1 publicKey you can use the getPubKey
method in Web3AuthMPCCoreKit
. The
will return the compressed public key, you can further use the Point.fromSEC1
retrive the uncompressed public key.
import { Web3AuthMPCCoreKit, WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";
import { tssLib } from "@toruslabs/tss-dkls-lib";
const coreKitInstance = new Web3AuthMPCCoreKit({
web3AuthClientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
manualSync: true, // This is the recommended approach
tssLib: tssLib,
// Compressed pubKey
const pubKey = coreKitInstance.getPubKey();
// Uncompressed pubKey
const pubKeyPoint = Point.fromSEC1(secp256k1, pubKey.toString("hex"));
const uncompressedPubKey = pubKeyPoint.toSEC1(secp256k1).subarray(1);
To sign the transaction for secp256k1 curve, you can use the sign
method. The sign method supports
both secp256k1 and ed25519 curve. Using the method dkls-lib this function will return ECDSA
signature and using frost-lib, it will return EDDSA sginature.
const msg = Buffer.from("Welcome to Web3Auth");
// Returns the ECDSA signature bytes.
const signature = await coreKitInstance.sign(msg);
EdDSA Signature
Along with ECDSA signature, Web3AuthMPCCoreKit also supports ed25519 curve to generate EdDSA
signatures. To sign the transactions for ed25519 curve, you can utilize the
to instantiate Web3AuthMPCCoreKit with ed25519 KeyType. To support the
ed25519 curve Web3Auth internally uses the FROST algorithm to provide the EdDSA sginature using
threshold protocols.
EdDSA signatures can be used for blockchain applications such as Solana, Aptos, etc. Let's have an overview of how you can generate EdDSA signature for Solana.
As discussed earlier, to generate the EdDSA signature for Solana, we will utilize
to instantiate Web3AuthMPCCoreKit with ed25519 KeyType. This package
contains all the necessary functionalities and logic required for TSS signing. Along with that,
we'll also use @solana/web3.js
package. This package will provide a wrapper to generate the
transaction bytes, verify the message, and interact with Solana.
The first step would be to install the helper packages which are required to integrate Web3AuthMPCCoreKit with Solana chain.
$ npm install @solana/web3.js@1
$ npm install @toruslabs/tss-frost-lib
Create Web3AuthMPCCoreKit instance
Considering you have already installed the @toruslabs/tss-frost-lib
package, let's use the tssLib
to create Web3AuthMPCCoreKit
import { Web3AuthMPCCoreKit, WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";
import { tssLib } from "@toruslabs/tss-frost-lib";
const coreKitInstance = new Web3AuthMPCCoreKit({
web3AuthClientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
manualSync: true, // This is the recommended approach
tssLib: tssLib,
Get a User Account
Once you have an Web3AuthMPCCoreKit
instance, it can be used as along with solana/web3.js
To generate the Solana EOA address, you can use the getPubKeyEd25519
method to retrieve the
ed25519 curve compatible pubKey. Since solana uses the base58 enocded address, you can simply encode
pubKey with base58 to get the user's EOA address.
import { base58 } from "@scure/base";
const address = base58.encode(Uint8Array.from(coreKitInstance.getPubKeyEd25519()));
If you want to verify that the public key is on ed25519 curve, you can create a new PublicKey
instance using the generated address
. Once you have the PublicKey
instance, you can use the
static method to verify the curve.
import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
const publicKey = new PublicKey(address);
// Returns whether the public is on ed25519 curve
const isValidAddress = PublicKey.isOnCurve(publicKey.toBytes());
Sign a message
Signing a message for Solana is pretty straight forward. You can simply use the sign
method to
generate the EdDSA signature.
const msg = Buffer.from("Welcome to Web3Auth");
const sig = await this.coreKitInstance.sign(msg);
Sign a Transaction
To sign a Solana transaction, you can use Transaction
class to get a buffer of the transaction
data to sign, and add geerated signature to the transaction. The public key must correspond to
either the fee payer or a signer account in the transaction instructions.
import {
} from "@solana/web3.js";
const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");
const lamportsToSend = 1_000_000;
const getRecentBlockhash = await this.connection.getLatestBlockhash("confirmed");
const transferTransaction = new Transaction().add(
// Self transfer tokens
fromPubkey: this.publicKey,
toPubkey: this.publicKey,
lamports: lamportsToSend,
transferTransaction.recentBlockhash = getRecentBlockhash.blockhash;
transferTransaction.feePayer = this.publicKey;
// Sign the serialize message
const sig = await this.coreKitInstance.sign(transferTransaction.serializeMessage());
// Append the signature to the transaction
transferTransaction.addSignature(this.publicKey, sig);
// Signature of the transaction in wire format which can be broadcasted on Solana chain.
const transferTransactionSignature = transferTransaction.serialize();
To broadcast the signed transaction, you can utilize the Connection.sendRawTransaction
// Returns the hash, for connection and transferTransactionSignature, check above
// code snippets
let hash = await connection.sendRawTransaction(transferTransactionSignature);
The ed25519 support is not limited to only Solana chain. You can use the SDK with any blockchain ecosystem that supports the ed25519 curve.
Get PublicKey
To retrieve the ed25519 publicKey you can use the getPubKeyEd25519
method in Web3AuthMPCCoreKit
import { Web3AuthMPCCoreKit, WEB3AUTH_NETWORK } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";
import { tssLib } from "@toruslabs/tss-frost-lib";
const coreKitInstance = new Web3AuthMPCCoreKit({
web3AuthClientId: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
manualSync: true, // This is the recommended approach
tssLib: tssLib,
const pubKey = coreKitInstance.getPubKeyEd25519();
To sign the transaction for ed25519 curve, you can use the sign
method. The sign method supports
both secp256k1 and ed25519 curve. Using the method dkls-lib this function will return ECDSA
signature and using frost-lib, it will return EDDSA sginature.
const msg = Buffer.from("Welcome to Web3Auth");
// Returns the EdDSA signature bytes.
const signature = await coreKitInstance.sign(msg);