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Migration Guide from v2 to v4 for SFA iOS SDK


This migration guide provides steps for upgrading from version v2 to v4 of the Web3Auth SingleFactorAuth iOS SDK. The guide outlines breaking changes for the parameter type, and addition of new parameter in SingleFactorAuthArgs constructor.

Changes in Detail

In v4, we try to improve the developer experience by changing the return type for the getKey, adding new parameter for SingleFactorAuthArgs constructor.

Constructor changes

SingleFactorAuthArgs class

In v4, the SingleFactorAuthArgs construct now accepts a new required parameter web3AuthClientId, and the type of network is changed from TorusNetwork to Web3AuthNetwork.

let singleFactorAuthArgs = SingleFactorAuthArgs(
web3AuthClientId: "<Your Web3Auth Client Id>",
network: Web3AuthNetwork.SAPPHIRE_MAINNET
let singleFactoreAuth = SingleFactorAuth(singleFactorAuthArgs: singleFactorAuthArgs)

Return type update for method

getKey method

In v4, the getKey method will return the TorusSFAKey instead of TorusKey.

let loginParams = LoginParams(verifier: "YOUR_VERIFIER_NAME", verifierId: "YOUR_VERIFIER_ID", idToken: "YOUR_ID_TOKEN")
let torusKey: TorusSFAKey = try await singleFactoreAuth.getKey(loginParams: loginParams)