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Initializing MPC Core Kit React Native SDK

After installation, the next step to use Web3Auth MPC Core Kit is to configure & initialize the SDK.

  1. Configure React Native environment
  2. Configure Web3AuthMPCCoreKit instance
  3. Initialize Web3AuthMPCCoreKit

Ensure that you configure your authentication method and verifier prior to initializing the SDK in your codebase. This will streamline the implementation process.

Configure React Native Environment

In order to make this SDK compatible with the React Native development environment, you need to additionally import the Bridge from the @web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit package.

import { Bridge } from "@web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit"; // A bridge to be imported to the React Native environment

The Bridge is used to bridge the TSS library to the React Native environment, it has to be imported in the React Native environment, at the end of the page.

import { Bridge } from "@web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit";

export default function App() {
// Misc App related functions
return (
resolveReady={(ready) => {

Configure Instance

Please note that these are the most critical steps where you need to pass on different parameters according to the preference of your project.


The mpclib.Web3AuthMPCCoreKitRN constructor takes an object with Web3AuthOptions as input which helps you configure the SDK.


Please, note we for the simplicity, we use the coreKitInstance to refer to the instance of mpclib.Web3AuthMPCCoreKitRN.

web3AuthClientIdThe Web3Auth Client ID for your application. Find one at
manualSync?Enables you to manually sync with the Web3Auth Metadata Server, helping you manage the API calls to the server. We recommend using this approach. Default value is false.
baseUrl?URL of the service worker handling the authentication in popup flow. For general usecases, you don't need to change this value. Default value is ${window.location.origin}/serviceworker.
web3AuthNetwork?Web3Auth Network used for MPC Wallet Management. Use WEB3AUTH_NETWORK.DEVNET in testing environment and WEB3AUTH_NETWORK.Mainnet in production environment. Default value is WEB3AUTH_NETWORK.Mainnet.
sessionTime?Determine the session length in seconds. By default the value is set at 86400 seconds, ie. 1 day.
uxMode?Four uxModes are supported:
  • 'popup': In this uxMode, a popup will be shown to user for login.
  • 'redirect': In this uxMode, user will be redirected to a new window tab for login.
  • 'nodejs': Use this for Node.js projects.
  • 'react-native': Use this for React Native apps.
Use of 'redirect' mode is recommended in browsers where popups might get blocked.
enableLogging?Enables Logs for the SDK. Default value is false.
redirectPathName?Specifies the url path where user will be redirected after login. Redirect Uri for OAuth is baseUrl/redirectPathName.
disableHashedFactorKey?Disables the Hashed Key, making the sure user logs in always in a non-custodial mode. Recommended only if you have proper MFA flow setup for the user while creating the account. Default value is false.
tssLibThe threshold signing library to use:
  • For secp256k1 keyType, you can use the @toruslabs/tss-dkls-lib
  • For ed25519 keyType you can use @toruslabs/tss-frost-lib
hashedFactorNonce?Nonce for the hashed factor. Default value is web3AuthClientId. Learn more about hashed factor.
storageDefines the storage for MPC Core Kit's state.
useDKG?Specifies whether to use DKG or not. If set to false, the key would be securely generated on the client side, and imported to Web3Auth network. If set to true, the key would be generated using a distributed network.Setting the flag to false, and generating a key on the client side significantly improves the speed of first-time login. The default value secp256k1 is true. Please note, it is not supported for ed25519, and is always false.
useClientGeneratedTSSKey?Specifies whether to use client generated TSS key or not. The default value is set to false for secp256k1 and true for ed25519. The default value is set to true for ed25519 as it allows users to export the ed25519 key.
disableSessionManager?Specifies whether to disable the session manager or not. The default value is false. Please note, the session will still expire after the defined session time.


import {
} from "@web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit";
import EncryptedStorage from "react-native-encrypted-storage"; // Used to store the session & device factor keys

// setup async storage for react native
const asyncStorageKey = {
getItem: async (key: string) => {
return EncryptedStorage.getItem(key);
setItem: async (key: string, value: string) => {
return EncryptedStorage.setItem(key, value);

const coreKitInstance = new mpclib.Web3AuthMPCCoreKitRN({
// setupProviderOnInit: false, // needed to skip the provider setup
uxMode: "react-native",
tssLib: TssDklsLib, // tss lib bridge for ECDSA
manualSync: true, // This is the recommended approach
storage: asyncStorageKey, // Add the storage property
} as Web3AuthOptions);

Additional Configuration for EVM Chains

If you are using the SDK with EVM compatible chains, you can use the EthereumSigningProvider to setup the provider for the EVM chain. This provider is EIP1193 compatible and can be used with web3.js, ethers.js, or viem to make integration with EVM compatible chains easier.

You need to pass in the chainConfig object to the provider. The chainConfig object contains the basic details of the chain you are using.

import { makeEthereumSigner } from "@web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit";
import { EthereumSigningProvider } from "@web3auth/ethereum-mpc-provider";

const chainConfig = {
chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
chainId: "0xaa36a7", // Please use 0x1 for Mainnet
rpcTarget: "",
displayName: "Ethereum Sepolia Testnet",
blockExplorerUrl: "",
blockExplorer: "",
ticker: "ETH",
tickerName: "Ethereum",

// Setup provider for EVM Chain
const evmProvider = new EthereumSigningProvider({ config: { chainConfig } });

Initialize Web3AuthMPCCoreKit

To initialize the instance, you need to call the init method. The method also takes the InitParams as an input.


rehydrateRehydrates the session during initialization. Default value is true.


// Web3AuthMPCCoreKit instance from previous steps
await coreKitInstance.init();

Check for the Bridge State before Initing

The Bridge exposes a resolveReady callback that notifies when the SDK's bridge is ready to be used. Use this to init the SDK after the bridge has been configured.

useEffect(() => {
if (bridgeReady) {
const init = async () => {
try {
await coreKitInstance.init();
} catch (error: any) {
uiConsole(error.message, "mounted caught");
}, [bridgeReady]);