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Usage of MPC Core Kit React Native SDK

Once you've installed and successfully initialized mpclib.Web3AuthMPCCoreKitRN, you can use it to authenticate your users, add factors to their account, generate TSS signatures for transactions and interact with the blockchain.


Please, note we for the simplicity, we use the coreKitInstance to refer to the instance of mpclib.Web3AuthMPCCoreKitRN.

Functionality Overview

Authentication Methods

Method NameDescription
loginWithJWTLogs in the user with a JWT-based ID Token.
inputFactorKeyThis method can be used to login with the exisitng factor key, for instance when threshold is not satisfied.
logoutThis methods logs out the user and invalidates the session.
Get help with Authentication

Check out the Authentication section of the SDK Reference to learn more about these functions.

Manual Sync Method

We recommend using the Manual Sync Mode to handle the factors and keys of the user's account. This enables you to have a fined grained control over the API calls made to the metadata server from the SDK.

Method NameDescription
commitChangesCommits the changes made to the user's account while in manual sync mode. To use this function, you'll need to enable the manual sync while configuring the instance.

Factor Handling Methods

Method NameDescription
enableMFABy default, the SDK starts with 2/2 flow unless the disableHashedFactorKey is set to true during initialisation. To make the flow completely non-custodial, and have 2/3 flow, you can use the enableMFA function.
createFactorCreates a new TSS Factor for the user's account to increase. You can configure the type of factor, it can either be a device factor, or backup factor.
deleteFactorThis method allows you to deletes a TSS factor for the user. Please make sure user has enough factors to recover the account.
getCurrentFactorKeyThis methods returns the current factor key used along with social factor to log in.
getDeviceFactorThis methods returns the device factor if available.

User & Wallet Account Methods

Method NameDescription
setTssWalletIndexThis method allows you to set the TSS wallet index for secp256k1 curve. For secpk256k1 curve, we do support HD Wallet, and you can change the index for HD Wallet using this method. Please note, this is not supported for ed25519 curve.
getPubKeyReturns the TSS PubKey in SEC1 format which can be used for the secp256k1 curve to derive the EOA address.
getPubKeyEd25519Returns the ed25519 public key which can be used to derive the EOA address for the chains supporting ed25519 curve.
getUserInfoReturns the user information such as name, verifier, email, and other details.
getKeyDetailsReturns the key details for the user account, these key details has information like total factors, and threshold.

Additional Helper Methods

Method NameDescription
mnemonicToKeyThis method helps you to convert 24 word mnemonic(seed phrase) into corresponding factor key.
keyToMnemonicThis method helps you to convert the factor key to corresponding 24 mnemonic.

Authentication Methods

Login With JWT

Logs in the user with a JWT-based ID Token. We recommend using this method to authenticate users for better performance. For this method, you'll have to manage the authentication yourself, and Web3Auth will only verify the idToken passed. Please refer to the authentication section for more details.

Login With Existing Factor

This method can be used to input the factor key, for instance when threshold is not satisfied. For example, if user's device factor is not present, this method can be used to input the back up factor key, and recover the account. If the factor key is correct, the SDK initializes the user's account and logs them in.

If you want to change the factor key in the current state of the SDK, you can use this method. Please make sure to convert your factor key to BN before passing it to this method.

import { BN } from "bn.js";

const factorKey = new BN("backupFactorKey", "hex");
await coreKitInstance.inputFactorKey(factorKey);


This method logs out the user, and invalidates the session.

await coreKitInstance.logout();

Manual Sync Method

Commit Changes

This method helps you syncs the local metadata with the Web3Auth's Metadata server. This function is only to be used while in manual sync mode. We recommend using the Manual Sync Mode to handle the factors and keys of the user's account. This enables you to have a fined grained control over the API calls made to the metadata server from the SDK.

This is especially useful when you want to handle the factors and keys of the user's account in a more controlled manner, enabling a much faster and safer experience for the User.

During manual sync mode, you need to call the commitChanges function to sync the local metadata to the web3auth metadata server. This helps you to keep the user's account in sync with the metadata server, after they have successfully configured everything in the local.


await coreKitInstance.commitChanges();

Factor Handling Methods

Enable MFA

By default, the SDK starts with 2/2 flow unless the disableHashedFactorKey is set to true during initialisation. To make the flow completely non-custodial, and have 2/3 flow, you can use the enableMFA method.

It creates a device factor and stores it in the local storage. It also creates a backup factor and returns it to the user. The default backup factor is 24 words mnemonic. You can configure the backup factor to be social recovery, password recovery, authenticator app, or back up of your choice.

Most importantly, this method also deletes the Hashed Factor Key enabling a non-custodial flow. The method takes in enableMFAParams which allows you to configure the backup factor of your choice. You can also opt to not create a backup factor by setting recoveryFactor to false.

Function Parameters

Parameter NameDescription
enableMFAParams?This parameter helps to configure the back up factor of your choice like social recovery, security question, authenticator or more. By default, it'll generate a 24 words mnemonic, and use it as back up factor. Please checkout the EnableMFAParams section for more details.
recoveryFactorThis helps you disable the backup factor generation during enableMFA flow. If set to false, the enableMFA will on generate a device factor, and flow would be 2/2 instead 2/3. By default, the value is true.


factorKey?A BN to be used for the back up factor. You can pass the BN generated from social recovery, or any other back up factor like authenticator app.
shareDescription?The share description to be stored in Metadata. Available values are FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.HashedShare,FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.SecurityQuestions, FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.DeviceShare, FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.SeedPhrase, FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.PasswordShare, FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.SocialShare, FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.Other.
additionalMetadata?You can use this parameter if you wish to store additional metadata for the factor. It takes Record<string, string>


In this sample we enable MFA with a 24 words mnemonic as the backup factor, and device factor.

import { keyToMnemonic } from "@web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit";

const factorKey = await coreKitInstance.enableMFA({});
// Convert the factor key to 24 words mneonic
const factorKeyMnemonic = keyToMnemonic(factorKey);

"MFA enabled, device factor stored in local store, deleted hashed cloud key, your backup factor key: ",

Create Factor

To create a factor, you can use the createFactor method. This is a low-level function to help you to create a backup factor key based on the type of TSS Share you want to create. You can pass your own factor key or let the SDK generate one for you.

This method helps you add additional factor to the user's account such as device factor, social recovery, SMS OTP, authenticator, and more.


You shouldn't create too many factors, we recommend a maximum of 10 factors.


The method takes in CreateFactorParams which helps you configure the type of share to be created.

factorKey?A BN to be used for the back up factor. You can pass the BN generated from social recovery, or any other back up factor like authenticator app.
shareDescription?The share description to be stored in Metadata. Available values are FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.HashedShare,FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.SecurityQuestions, FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.DeviceShare, FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.SeedPhrase, FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.PasswordShare, FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.SocialShare, FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.Other.
additionalMetadata?You can use this parameter if you wish to store additional metadata for the factor. It takes Record<string, string>
shareTypeThe type of share to be created. Available values are TssShareType.DEVICE, TssShareType.RECOVERY.


In this sample we create a new factor of type recovery using random factor key generated by the SDK. You can also pass your own factor key obtained from other sources like social recovery, authenticator app, etc.

import { generateFactorKey } from "@web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit";

const factorKey = generateFactorKey();

await coreKitInstance.createFactor({
shareType: TssShareType.RECOVERY,
factorKey: factorKey.private,

Delete Factor

To delete a factor you can use the deleteFactor method. This method helps you delete the factor, respective to the factor pub provided for the user's account.

You can get the factor pubs by using the getKeyDetails method. It will throw an error if you try to delete the factor that is currently active within the state of the SDK.

Use the inputFactorKey method to change the factor key in the current state of the SDK before deleting the current active factor.


In this sample we delete the social recovery factor from the user's account. To delete the device factor you can replace the FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.SocialShare with FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.DeviceShare.

import { FactorKeyTypeShareDescription } from "@web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit";
import { Point, secp256k1 } from "@tkey/common-types";

let factorPub: string | undefined;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(
(await coreKitInstance.getKeyDetails()).shareDescriptions,
)) {
if (value.length > 0) {
const parsedData = JSON.parse(value[0]);
if (parsedData.module === FactorKeyTypeShareDescription.SocialShare) {
factorPub = key;

if (factorPub) {
const pub = Point.fromSEC1(secp256k1, factorPub);
await coreKitInstance.deleteFactor(pub);
// This is required to sync the changes to the metadata server.
await coreKitInstance.commitChanges();
} else {
console.log("No social factor found to delete");

Get Current Factor Key

To retrieve the currently active factor within the state of the SDK you can use the getCurrentFactorKey method.

const currentFactorKey = coreKitInstance.getCurrentFactorKey();

Get Device Factor

This methods returns the device factor key hex string if available.

const deviceFactorHex = await coreKitInstance.getDeviceFactor();

if (deviceFactorHex) {
console.log("Device factor key hex string: ", deviceFactorHex);
} else {
console.log("No device factor key found");

User & Wallet Account Functions

Set TSS Wallet Index

To set the TSS Wallet index, you can use the setTssWalletIndex method.It allows you to set the TSS wallet index for secp256k1 curve. For secpk256k1 curve, we do support HD Wallet, and you can change the index for HD Wallet using this method. Learn more about HD Wallet.

As an application, you need to persist this account index in the application state.

You can either choose to persist the account index temporarily using the state variable or use a more permanent storage like localStorage. Whenever you add, delete or update a share, you need to set the account index again.


This method is only supported for Secp256k1 curve, and not supported for Ed25519 curve.

await coreKitInstance.setTssWalletIndex(index);

Get Secp256k1 Public Key

To retrieve the Secp256k1 public key, you can use the getPubKey method. You can use this public key to derive the EOA address.

When you use the setTssWalletIndex method to set your account index, a unique public key is generated! Remember that each account index you set will result in a different public key.

const pubKey = await coreKitInstance.getPubKey();

Get Ed25519 Public Key

To retrive the ed25519 public key, you can use the getPubKeyEd25519method. You can use this public key to retrive the EOA address for the chains suporting the Ed25519 curve.

const pubKey = await coreKitInstance.getPubKeyEd25519();

Get User Info

To retrive the user's information you can use the getUserInfo method. The methods returns the user's information based on the idToken, and Web3Auth metadata like verifier, verifier Id.

import { UserInfo } from "@web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit";

const userInfo: UserInfo = coreKitInstance.getUserInfo();

Get Key Details

To retieve the MPCKeyDetails for the user account you can use the getKeyDetails methods. These key details has information like total factors, required factors, and threshold. Learn more about the MPCKeyDetails.


import { MPCKeyDetails } from "@web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit";

const keyDetails: MPCKeyDetails = await coreKitInstance.getKeyDetails();


metadataPubKeyHolds the information for the metadataPubKey.
thresholdDefines the number of threshold set by the user, for instance is it 2/2. or 2/n.
requiredFactorsDefines the number of factors required to access the account after authentication flow. User won't be able to access the account, unless the requiredFactors is 0.
totalFactorsDefines the total factors created by the user.
shareDescriptionsHolds a map of TSS shares descriptions.
tssPubKey?The TSS PubKey, you can also get the TSS PubKey using the getPubKey method. The PubKey is in SEC1 format.

Additional Helper Methods

Mnemonic to Key

To convert 24 word mnemonic(seed phrase) into corresponding factor key, you can use the mnemonicToKey method. This is helpful when you want to convert the 24 words mnemonic backup factor to factor key.

import { mnemonicToKey } from "@web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit";

const factorKeyHex = mnemonicToKey(factorKeyMnemonic);

Key to Mnemonic

To convert the factor key hex string to a 24 words mnemonic, you can use the keyToMnemonic method.

import { keyToMnemonic } from "@web3auth/react-native-mpc-core-kit";

const factorKeyMnemonic = keyToMnemonic(factorKeyHex);