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Integrate Web3Auth with the Tron Blockchain in JavaScript


This guide will help you integrate Web3Auth with the Tron blockchain using JavaScript. You'll be using the TronRpc class that interacts with the Tron blockchain via the TronWeb library, allowing you to perform various operations like getting the user's account, fetching balances, sending transactions, and signing messages.


First, you need to install the required dependencies:

npm install @web3auth/base tronweb

Creating the TronRpc Class

Here’s the TronRpc class that you will use to interact with the Tron blockchain:

import TronWeb from "tronweb";
import type { IProvider } from "@web3auth/base";

export default class TronRpc {
private tronWeb: TronWeb | null = null;
private provider: IProvider;

constructor(provider: IProvider) {
this.provider = provider;

async init(): Promise<void> {
try {
const privateKey = await this.getPrivateKey();
if (!privateKey) throw new Error("Private key is not available.");

this.tronWeb = new TronWeb({
fullHost: "",
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error initializing TronWeb:", error);

async getPrivateKey(): Promise<string | null> {
try {
const privateKey = await this.provider.request<string, string>({
method: "eth_private_key",

if (!privateKey || typeof privateKey !== "string")
throw new Error("Invalid private key received.");

return privateKey;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to get private key:", error);
return null;

async getChainId(): Promise<string> {
try {
return this.provider.chainId;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to get chain ID:", error);
throw error;

async getAccounts(): Promise<string[]> {
const address = this.tronWeb!.defaultAddress.base58;
return [address];

async getBalance(): Promise<string> {
const address = this.tronWeb!.defaultAddress.base58;
const balance = await this.tronWeb!.trx.getBalance(address);
return this.tronWeb!.fromSun(balance); // Convert from SUN to TRX

async sendTransaction(): Promise<object> {
try {
if (!this.tronWeb) throw new Error("TronWeb not initialized");

const fromAddress = this.tronWeb.defaultAddress.base58;
const destination = "TKCq1vaJqpoXN5dhcPyWv8y7gug7XaNkEx";
const amount = 1000000; // 1 TRX = 1,000,000 SUN

const transaction = await this.tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendTrx(
const signedTransaction = await this.tronWeb.trx.sign(transaction);
const receipt = await this.tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction);

const response = {
from: fromAddress,
to: destination,
success: receipt.result,
explorerLink: `${receipt.txid}`,

return response;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to send transaction:", error);
throw error;

async signMessage(): Promise<string> {
const message = "YOUR_MESSAGE";
const signedMessage = await this.tronWeb!.trx.sign(this.tronWeb!.toHex(message));
return signedMessage;

private ensureTronWebInitialized(): void {
if (!this.tronWeb) {
throw new Error("TronWeb not initialized");

Initializing and Using the TronRpc Class

1. Initialize Web3Auth and TronRpc

Before interacting with the Tron blockchain, you need to initialize Web3Auth and the TronRpc class:

import Web3Auth from "@web3auth/web3auth";
import TronRpc from "./TronRpc"; // Adjust the path based on your project structure

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
chainConfig: {
chainNamespace: "eip155",
chainId: "0x2b6653dc", // Tron Mainnet
rpcTarget: "",

await web3auth.initModal();

if (web3auth.provider) {
const tronRpc = new TronRpc(web3auth.provider);
await tronRpc.init();

// You can now call the methods of tronRpc to interact with the blockchain

2. Getting the Private Key

To interact with the Tron blockchain, you'll need the user's private key. The getPrivateKey method in the TronRpc class handles this:

async getPrivateKey(): Promise<string | null> {
try {
const privateKey = await this.provider.request<string, string>({
method: "eth_private_key",

if (!privateKey || typeof privateKey !== 'string') throw new Error("Invalid private key received.");

return privateKey;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to get private key:", error);
return null;

This method requests the private key from the Web3Auth provider.

3. Getting the Chain ID

To retrieve the chain ID for the Tron blockchain, use the getChainId method:

async getChainId(): Promise<string> {
try {
return this.provider.chainId;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to get chain ID:", error);
throw error;

This method returns the chain ID of the connected blockchain.

4. Fetching User Accounts

The getAccounts method retrieves the user's Tron account address:

async getAccounts(): Promise<string[]> {
const address = this.tronWeb!.defaultAddress.base58;
return [address];

This method ensures that TronWeb is initialized and then fetches the user's account address.

5. Getting Account Balance

To fetch the balance of the user's account in TRX, use the getBalance method:

async getBalance(): Promise<string> {
const address = this.tronWeb!.defaultAddress.base58;
const balance = await this.tronWeb!.trx.getBalance(address);
return this.tronWeb!.fromSun(balance); // Convert from SUN to TRX

This method retrieves the balance in SUN (the smallest unit of TRX) and converts it to TRX.

6. Sending a Transaction

The sendTransaction method allows you to send TRX from the user's account:

async sendTransaction(): Promise<object> {
try {
if (!this.tronWeb) throw new Error("TronWeb not initialized");

const fromAddress = this.tronWeb.defaultAddress.base58;
const destination = "TKCq1vaJqpoXN5dhcPyWv8y7gug7XaNkEx";
const amount = 1000000; // 1 TRX = 1,000,000 SUN

const transaction = await this.tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendTrx(destination, amount, fromAddress);
const signedTransaction = await this.tronWeb.trx.sign(transaction);
const receipt = await this.tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction);

const response = {
from: fromAddress,
to: destination,
success: receipt.result,
explorerLink: `${receipt.txid}`,

return response;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to send transaction:", error);
throw error;

This method constructs, signs, and sends a transaction on the Tron blockchain, then returns the transaction details.

7. Signing a Message

To sign a message with the user's private key, use the signMessage method:

async signMessage(): Promise<string> {
const message = "YOUR_MESSAGE";
const signedMessage = await this.tronWeb!.trx.sign(this.tronWeb!.toHex(message));
return signedMessage;

This method signs a message and returns the signed message in hexadecimal format.


With the TronRpc class and Web3Auth integration, you can easily interact with the Tron blockchain in your JavaScript applications. Each method in the TronRpc class corresponds to a specific blockchain operation, and this guide provides detailed instructions on how to use them.