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Using of PnP React Native SDK

Once you've installed and successfully initialized Web3Auth, you can use it to authenticate your users.

Web3Auth returns the following functions:

  • login() - Logs in the User using the particular configuration you require for authentication.
  • logout() - Logs out the User.
  • userInfo() - After logging in, the Web3Auth instance will provide you with information regarding the user that is logged in.
  • privKey() - After login, gets the private key of the user (default is secp256k1 key).
  • ed25519Key() - After login, gets the ed25519 key.

Logging in a User


Trigger the login flow that navigates the user to a browser model that allows them to log in with the selected login provider.


loginProviderIt sets the OAuth login method to be used. You can use any of the supported values are GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, REDDIT, DISCORD, TWITCH, APPLE, LINE, GITHUB, KAKAO, LINKEDIN, TWITTER, WEIBO, WECHAT, EMAIL_PASSWORDLESS.
extraLoginOptions?It can be used to set the OAuth login options for corresponding loginProvider. For instance, you'll need to pass user's email address as. Default value for the field is null, and it accepts ExtraLoginOptions as a value.
redirectUrl?Url where user will be redirected after successfull login. By default user will be redirected to same page where login will be initiated. Default value for the field is null, and accepts string as a value.
appState?It can be used to keep track of the app state when user will be redirected to app after login. Default is null, and accepts string as a value.
mfaLevel?Customize the MFA screen shown to the user during OAuth authentication. Default value for field is MfaLevelType.default, which shows MFA screen every 3rd login. It accepts MfaLevelType as a value.
dappShare?Custom verifier logins can get a dapp share returned to them post successful login. This is useful if the dapps want to use this share to allow users to login seamlessly. It accepts string as a value.
curve?It will be used to determine the public key encoded in the jwt token which returned in getUserInfo function after user login. This parameter won't change format of private key returned by We3Auth. Private key returned by getPrivKey is always secp256k1. To get the ed25519 key you can use ed25519Key method. The default value is SUPPORTED_KEY_CURVES_TYPE.secp256k1.


await web3auth.login({
loginProvider: LoginProvider.GOOGLE,
redirectUrl: resolvedRedirectUrl,

Selecting Curve

The web3auth.login() method accepts a curve parameter. This parameter can be used to select the elliptic curve to use for the signature.

await web3auth.login({
loginProvider: LoginProvider.GOOGLE,
redirectUrl: resolvedRedirectUrl,
curve: "secp256k1", // `secp256k1` and `ed25519` are supported


await web3auth.login({
loginProvider: LoginProvider.GOOGLE,
redirectUrl: resolvedRedirectUrl,
curve: "secp256k1",

Logging out a user



Trigger the logout flow. It is not advised to be used in iOS since it will trigger a system dialog that asks if users want to allow a Login operation.

This method has no input and returns a Promise that resolves if the operation is successful, and rejects if the operation failed.


await web3auth.logout();

Getting the User Information

To get the information of the user, extracted from the id token, you can call the userInfo method in the web3auth instance.

const userInfo = web3auth.userInfo();
"aggregateVerifier": "tkey-google",
"email": "",
"name": "John Dash",
"profileImage": "",
"typeOfLogin": "google",
"verifier": "torus",
"verifierId": "",
"dappShare": "<24 words seed phrase>", // will be sent only incase of custom verifiers
"idToken": "<jwtToken issued by Web3Auth>",
"oAuthIdToken": "<jwtToken issued by OAuth Provider>", // will be sent only incase of custom verifiers
"oAuthAccessToken": "<accessToken issued by OAuth Provider>" // will be sent only incase of custom verifiers

Getting the secp256k1 private key

Using the privKey() method in the web3auth instance you can get the secp256k1 private key.

const privateKey = web3auth.privKey();

Getting the ed25519 private key

Using the ed25519Key() method in the web3auth instance you can get the ed25519 private key.

const ed25519Key = web3auth.ed25519Key();