External Wallets
Web3Auth SDK allows you to connect using external wallets. You can configure this using two different ways.
Wallet Discovery
Users can connect to their existing wallets (EVM and Solana) using wallet discovery. This feature leverages Multi Injected Provider Discovery (MIPD - EIP6963), Solana's Wallet Standard & Wallet Connect, to enable users to connect to any wallet of their choice.
Checkout our Demo to see it in action.
To integrate in your dapp, visit the respective adapter pages and set up the configuration in your application.
Integrating Web3Auth within Wagmi
In addition to Web3Auth’s native adapters, developers can integrate Web3Auth with wallet aggregation libraries like wagmi. This integration enables the use of Web3Auth within popular frameworks and products, enhancing Web3Auth’s flexibility and reach.
Using the @web3auth/web3auth-wagmi-connector
, developers can incorporate Web3Auth into WAGMI’s
React Hooks for Ethereum. This connector supports the Plug and Play Web SDKs of Web3Auth, enabling
integration with products like RainbowKit, ConnectKit, and Web3Modal.
You can follow this guide to integrate Web3Auth Wagmi Connector within your dApp.
For highly customised integrations, you can follow the source code of the
create your own Wagmi Connector.