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Embedded Wallet UI

The Embedded Wallet UI is a feature of the Wallet Services product by Web3Auth, designed to provide a seamless and integrated wallet experience within your application. This service encompasses a wide range of wallet functionalities, from displaying balance and wallet status to showcasing tokens/NFTs and facilitating transaction management, all within a single, coherent interface.

Minimum Scale plan required

Access to the Wallet Services Plugin is gated. The minimum pricing plan to use this feature is the Scale Plan. However, you can use this feature for projects on sapphire_devnet for free.

Enhancing User Experience with Embedded Wallet UI

Web3Auth's Embedded Wallet UI service is engineered to blend effortlessly into your application, ensuring users have access to a comprehensive wallet experience without navigating away from your app. Here are the key benefits:

Key Benefits

  • Seamless Integration: The Embedded Wallet UI is designed to be effortlessly integrated into your application, providing a smooth and consistent user experience that feels native to your platform.

  • Comprehensive Management: This service supports a wide array of wallet management features, including balance checks, viewing transaction histories, and displaying digital assets, ensuring users have full control over their wallets within your application.

  • No Additional UI Development: By offering a ready-to-use wallet interface, Web3Auth significantly reduces the development workload, freeing up resources to focus on other aspects of your application.

  • Customizable: Despite being a pre-designed solution, the Embedded Wallet UI can be customized to align with your application's branding and design preferences, ensuring a seamless visual and functional integration.

Integrating Wallet Services

Wallet Services

Pluggable enhancements for your Web3Auth-integrated wallet, designed to elevate both functionality and user experience within your application. Includes customisable Wallet UI, Fiat on Ramp, Interoperability features and much more.