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XRPL Private Key Provider for SFA JS SDK


The @web3auth/xrpl-provider is a Web3Auth provider that simplifies interaction with the XRPL Blockchain by serving as a wrapper around the XRPL JSON RPC API. It is used to interact with the XRPL blockchain and perform various operations like getting user's account, balance, signing a transaction, sending a transaction etc.

In this section we'll explore more about how you can use this provider with our SDKs.



npm install --save @web3auth/xrpl-provider


Import the XrplPrivateKeyProvider class from @web3auth/xrpl-provider.

import { XrplPrivateKeyProvider } from "@web3auth/xrpl-provider";

Assign the XrplPrivateKeyProvider class to a variable

After creating your Web3Auth instance, you need to initialize the Torus Wallet UI Plugin and add it to a class for further usage.

const privateKeyProvider = new XrplPrivateKeyProvider({ config: XrplPrivKeyProviderConfig });

This constructor takes an object with a config of XrplPrivKeyProviderConfig as input.



export interface XrplPrivKeyProviderConfig extends BaseProviderConfig {
chainConfig: Omit<CustomChainConfig, "chainNamespace"> & Pick<CustomChainConfig, "wsTarget">;
export type CustomChainConfig = {
chainNamespace: ChainNamespaceType;
* The chain id of the chain
chainId: string;
* RPC target Url for the chain
rpcTarget: string;
* web socket target Url for the chain
wsTarget?: string;
* Display Name for the chain
displayName: string;
* Url of the block explorer
blockExplorer: string;
* Default currency ticker of the network (e.g: ETH)
ticker: string;
* Name for currency ticker (e.g: `Ethereum`)
tickerName: string;
* Number of decimals for the currency ticker (e.g: 18)
decimals?: number;
export interface BaseProviderConfig extends BaseConfig {
chainConfig: Partial<CustomChainConfig>;
networks?: Record<string, CustomChainConfig>;
skipLookupNetwork?: boolean;
export interface BaseConfig {
* Determines if this controller is enabled
disabled?: boolean;

Getting the chainConfig

const chainConfig = {
chainId: "0x1",
// Avoid using public rpcTarget & wsTarget in production.
// Use services like Infura
rpcTarget: "",
wsTarget: "wss://",
ticker: "XRP",
tickerName: "XRPL",
displayName: "xrpl mainnet",
blockExplorerUrl: "",

Initializing Provider

import { Web3Auth } from "@web3auth/modal";
import { AuthAdapter } from "@web3auth/auth-adapter";
import { XrplPrivateKeyProvider } from "@web3auth/xrpl-provider";

const privateKeyProvider = new XrplPrivateKeyProvider({
config: chainConfig,

const web3auth = new Web3Auth({
clientId, // get from
web3AuthNetwork = "sapphire_mainnet", // testnet, mainnet, cyan, aqua


After configuring the provider, you may utilize various functions from the @web3auth/xrpl-provider library for tasks such as obtaining the user's account, executing transactions, and signing messages.


All the RPC methods which are available by default on XRPL Blockchain are also available on the XRPL Provider.

Please refer to our XRPL Connect Blockchain Reference for more information.