Web3Auth Developer Office Hours

Stuck somewhere in the integration? Join the biweekly Web3Auth Office Hours & get help from our team.

Hey Web3Auth Developer Community!

Our team is ready to help with all your questions during our dedicated Office Hours. To make sure everyone can join, we’ve set up two different time slots to cover all time zones. :earth_africa:

Checkout the links above

I need the verification to get done it seas 48 hours and its been over a week

Are let me no y its not getting verified

I’m unsure which verification you are talking about. You can attend office hours within our discord by completing basic onboarding steps.

Sorry, i cannot access this event on Discord. Can someone invite me to web3auth team discord channel please? Here is my discord account “anhnvt”. Many thanks!

Hey @anhnvt1506

You do not need to be on web3auth-team role in order to access discord. Just complete the basic verification on the main discord portal and you’ll be able to access it. The channel is open for anyone to join in while the office hours are going on.

Sir I don’t see nothing… I am on discord to what is the name of the discord channel? I been trying to get help for 4 days now… I even speak with you on telegram and getting no response from you but you reading the messages… HOW CAN I GET HELP!!! HELP HELP

Hey @carmelsunday76,
I’ve replied to your issue here: link. Let’s continue the discussion there, as it could be helpful for others searching for similar topics.

Regarding the Office Hours, it was scheduled for 11:30 PM SGT. Unfortunately, we had to wind up earlier than usual due to fewer participants. Your message came in at 12:18 PM SGT, after we had already concluded the session. Please join on time next time so we can assist you better and give you the attention you deserve.